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Name :  level 15 MMSA
Date :  2019-05-19 00:07
Hits :  4591

Exhorder가 27년만에 새 앨범을 낸다고 합니다.

“27 years? Man, that's a big number! A lot has transpired over the course of such an extended amount of time, and this record touches on it all. There is material on this record that is literally 27 years old along with material that was written just 6 months ago, and everything in between. There are truly no words to express the emotions which are connected with this moment. And that's pretty convenient because I prefer to do my talking in the ring/stage anyway. But the people who really made this what it is cannot go without mention: My incredible band mates; Simon and crew at All Independent Service Alliance - AISA Management; all at Nuclear Blast Records; and Duane Simoneaux at OCD Recording and Production, Jens Bogren was an unquestionable genius! So honored to have him on this. This is, without a doubt for the first time in our career, the album we intended to give you. Production, sound, art, it's all there, with no compromise! I'm eternally grateful for all who helped make it happen. And to all that have waited for it, prayed for it, begged for it, or even dreaded this moment, much love and I'll see you in the "Ring!"” - Cheers, Vinnie

신작 녹음을 마친 상태고 올해 안에 발매할 예정이라고 합니다.
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level No.8 빌리홀 [강퇴됨]     2019-05-19 02:28
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서태지 2025-01-28 16:15
저도 날씨빨로 블랙메탈을...ㅋㅋ 진짜 오랜간만에 Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg 듣고 있어요!
jun163516 2025-01-28 09:47
눈이 엄청나게 내렸습니다 그런지 블랙메탈을 듣습니다 다들 즐거운 명절되시고 안전운전하십시오
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즐거운 설명절 되세요 ^^
metalnrock 2025-01-21 19:37
구입 못했네요 ㅎㅎ
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닭탱 내한이 그새 매진됐네요 아주 기대가 됩니다
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새해 복 많이 많이 받으세요~
앤더스 2024-12-30 20:02
2024년도 한해 고생하셨습니다. 연말 잘 마무리 되시길요!
gusco1975 2024-12-30 11:31
2024년 마지막까지...
버진아씨 2024-12-29 18:26
와.... 이게 뭔 일이래요... 올 해는 정말이지;; ㅠㅠ
Evil Dead 2024-12-28 11:08
Sepultura 개좋아요~