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Name :  level 1 hellliesinoth
Date :  2010-05-02 19:47
Hits :  12339

Vomm "Black Catharsis" cassette OUT NOW!

VOMM 'Black Catharsis' Out Now!

Catalogue number: HLIO02
Release date: April 2010

Self-described as audial insanity as a direct result of occult interest, disrupted frequencies, blood letting, cathartic ritualism, social distain, political distrust and self-imposed exile on ‘modern life’, Hell Lies In Others is proud to announce the release of a 7-track C30 cassette of pure blackened noise titled ‘Black Catharsis’ by VOMM.

Released in an edition of 100 copies - 50 on black cassette and 50 on white (each hand numbered out of /50) with artwork and design by Stephen Wilson at www.blackuroborus.com, there are two different artwork/packaging combinations available:

The black cassettes come with a light grey ink ink on dark grey j-card, housed in a clear plastic case, wrapped with a black ink on a thick black stock wrap-around sleeve and sealed with a black ink on dark grey Japanese-style obi strip.

The white cassettes come with a dark grey ink on black j-card, housed in a clear plastic case, wrapped with black ink on a thick dark grey stock wrap-around sleeve and sealed with a dark grey ink on black Japanese-style obi strip.

Initial copies of the cassette come with a Hell Lies In Others label logo silk-screen printed black fabric patch with either a red or white print.

The tracklisting for 'Black Catharsis' is as follows:

Side A:
1. Storm Setter
2. 7610 - Inner Hell
3. AoD
4. Voidance Of Modern Man

Side B:
5. European Offensive
7. Black Catharsis

A limited edition t-shirt is also available to accompany the release, silk screen printed on high quality Gildan shirts.
Available in black or dark grey in sizes S - XL

Cassettes and t-shirts are available from our online store at www.hellliesinothers.bigcartel.com

Sound samples can be heard at www.myspace.com/hellliesinothers and www.myspace.com/vommhatred

A few copies remain of the second edition of the Gnaw Their Tongues 'Tsutomu Miyazaki' cassette and are also available at our online store along with the limited edition 'Tsutomu Miyazaki' t-shirts.

Forthcoming on Hell Lies In Others:

Mazakon Tactics, Verdant, Drowner, Tenebrious, Namazu Dantai, Taklamakan, Sutekh Hexen, Defiler...

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level 1 hellliesinoth
  Vomm "Black Catharsis" cassette OUT NOW! 
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