[순둥이레코드-운송료 무조건 무료] DEAD INFECTION 등 디스트로 대거 업데이트
CD (10,000원, 8$) Meatal Ulcer / Patisserie / Organs Tortured - 3way Split Gonguri / Sithter - Split Huqueymsaw - Goatfuk Havoc Slaughter Hell Sulsa / PxFx / Embryopathia / VRBH - 4way Split DEAD INFECTION/Corpses of the universe MCD DISROTTED / SU19B / Split (CD) INFERNAL CURSE / Apocalipsis (CD) HYPEREMESIS/HYPOPROTHROMBINEMIA - Split CD Enema Torture - Frail For Free Patologicum / Necrocannibal - split Oltretomba - Sounds From Beyond the Grave Putrefuck – Impending Necrophilia In Fresh And Pale Cadavers Arriving To The Morgue GAF - Gore `n` Feast - MCD WORLD GOREGRIND FEDERATION - In the Name of Rape - CD WOMBSTOMP - Passion to Abort - CD DEPRESSION - Die Dunkle Dimension - CD Vampiric Motives / Neuropathia - Split Methadone Abortion Clinic - SEX, DRUGS, AND ROTTEN HOLES (LAST ONE) Cannibalized S/T Demo Pro-CDr Infant Myiasis - The Decomposition Of A Raped Infant Pro-CDr COMPOST "Vegetable Goregrind (Discography 2008-2013)" - CD MENSTRUOPHAGIST "Lollipocracy" - CD GENITAL GRINDER (Ita) "Abduction" - CD Carnal Diafragma / Fecalizer – Grind Monsters Hymen Holocaust - Kissed By The Dead VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxCx / Bizarre Ejaculation / Cannibe / Wombstomp - 4way Split Bizarred Ejaculation / Pussy Tornado - Split Of Spire & Throne – Sanctum In The Light The Nihilistic Front - Procession To Annihilation Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage - A Tapeology Of Grievous Traumas (LAST ONE) Bitch Infection - Tales From The Torture Chamber LINCOLN LOVE LOG "BBQ Hell" THE DECAPITATED MIDGETS "The Shit Ceremony"(DIGIPACK) Septic Autopsy – Spontaneous Emanation Of Rotting Smell Through Necropsy Process Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis / Parasite – Lymphatic Fetid Vaginitis Infections Of Toxoplasmosis At The Castle For Towards The Apocalipsexxx COFFINS / Perpetual Penance (2CD) - 15,000원(12$) Congenital Haemorrhoids / Napalm Death Is Dead – Split EP - 7,000원 (5$) Psychopathic / Pulmonary Fibrosis split 3"MCD - 5,000원 (4$) Birth / Oniku CDr - 5,000원 (4$) Oozing Pus - Ultrasurgery Demo CDr - 5,000원 (4$) Fermentative - Gross Putrescence CDr - 5,000원 (4$) GANGRENE DISCHARGE - A Collection Of Trauma - CDr - 5,000원 (4$) HYDROPSY - Duodenal Suppuration - CDr - 5,000원 (4$) TAPE (5,000원, 4$) PARAZITOZIS / CEPHALOPHORE - SPLIT TAPE Beelzebud - S/T Metastasis / Butcher M.D. / Sulfuric Cautery - Split Tape Farting Corpse - 21 Song Demo, Recorded at Fraser's Corpse Compound The Maricopa County Department of Waste Management Trickling Filters, Bio-Towers and Rotating Biological Contractors 16-武装翼の女神 - Ripped Apart and Reconstructed Forever + Demo Discs 1 & 2 Cephalophore / Festering RECTO Gangrenous SLIME VINYL Guevnna / Aguirre - Split 12" - 10,000원 (8$) Intestinal Rot – Re-inventing Mankind 7" - 7,000원 (5$) Cystgurgle – Regurgitant Slurp Of Mashed Embryo 7" - 7,000원 (5$) SBS - Grinding Under The Influence 7" - 7,000원 (5$) Dialy Ritual / The Stops - Split 7" 7,000원 (5$) Terror Firmer / Social Chaos - Split 7" - 7,000원 (5$) Terror Firmer / Humus - Split 7" - 7,000원 (5$) Mixomatosis - Descomposicion - FLEXI 7" - 7,000원 (5$) MERCH Hipermenorrea - SHIRTS (L SIZE) - 15,000원 https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5KShZg6sF24/VwypBc5LKXI/AAAAAAAABTk/rZPurkxJSwYgyw9Ex8eRd_2-ebD8J9A4ACLcB/s1600/11062676_999696350090066_7055187160806558181_n.jpg 주문방법- soondoongirecords@gmail.com 로 리스트 작성 후 보내주시면 됩니다 금액에 상관없이 운송료 '무료' (5만원이상 구매시 서비스 음반 랜덤 증정) |
▶ [순둥이레코드-운송료 무조건 무료] DEAD INFECTION 등 디스트로 대거 업데이트
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