[공연 정보]Crux : A Tribute to Stryper & 80's Heavy Metal2020-03-22 (SUN)[Prism Plus]

* Stryper Tribute
Crux with Vocalist Mark Choi and 박철중
Guitarist 신정일
* 80's Heavy Metal Tribute
Vocals : 선종욱 Junhee Seo 동천 Sebastian
Guitars : 최영길 이희두 태지윤 김인중 김동현
Bass : 임현수 륌진희
Drums : Young "The Ultimate" Sin
Date : 2020-03-22 SUN
Start time : 5:00 PM
Venue : 홍대 프리즘 플러스 (Live Hall Prism Plus)
Location : 서울 마포구 서교동 395-152 (양화로12길 6)
Ticket rate : 예매(adv.) 25,000원 / 현매(door) 30,000원
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▶ [공연 정보] Crux : A Tribute to Stryper & 80's Heavy Metal (2020-03-22) [Prism Plus] 

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