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Bizarre Leprous Production

183 albums
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Cover art Artist Album Lyrics Release date Rating Votes Reviews
Collapsing ExistenceJun 21, 201900
S červy nejsou žerty!Nov 27, 201900
no imageOct 10, 200100
Masters Of Gore201900
The Forensick Files
The Forensick Files  [Compilation]
May 22, 201900
Instrumenta Chirurgica / DifferencesFeb 3, 200300
Code : ViolenceLyricsMar 23, 201800
Necronicle Continued - A Journey into the Morbid Mind of Serial Murderers Vol.1Jan 8, 201600
Necronicle Continued - A Journey into the Morbid Mind of Serial Murderers Vol.2Jul 2, 201600
Necronicle Continued - A Journey into the Morbid Mind of Serial Murderers Vol. 3 : Fantasy Wants VictimNov 28, 201600
Necronicle Continued - A Journey into the Morbid Mind of Serial Murderers Vol. 4 : NekrotronicaJun 29, 201700
Nekronicle Continues - A Journey Into the Morbid Mind of Serial Murderers Vol. 5 - Killing Spree on Studio DemosFeb 2, 201900
Necro Secreations Vol. 2
Necro Secreations Vol. 2  [Compilation]
Mar 10, 201900
no imageMar 19, 202100
Stories of Undeniable AbhorrenceSep 26, 202000
Regulation... / Veni, Vidi, Spunky199900
Stinking Collection
Stinking Collection  [Compilation]
Jun 26, 201500
Contaminated Festering Gore from Acts of Degradation & Pulsating RotJan 23, 202100
no imageJul 201700
Flourishing Extremeties on Unspoiled Mental GroundsApr 10, 202200
FragmentsJun 6, 201700
Systematic AssplitApr 30, 201700
Entropic Breath / Unstoppable Lymphatic LiquefactionDec 11, 202000
Forbidden Exhumation / Thanatological Reflections on NecroticismDec 12, 202000
Forensically Undetectable WasteJun 1, 202100
Paranoid Personality Disorder / Surgical InterventionJun 15, 202100
Despise / Lust of Decay200400
Irreversible DegradeDec 31, 201800
Virulent Carnage Compilation Vol. 1May 25, 202300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Info / Statistics
Artists : 47,647
Reviews : 10,468
Albums : 171,753
Lyrics : 218,419