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Username Nataniel80   (number: 26797)
Name (Nick) Nataniel80
Average of Ratings 95  (1 albums)   [ Rating detail ]
Join Date August 30, 2024 22:45 Last Login September 17, 2024 03:23
Point 600 Posts / Comments 0 / 1
Login Days / Hits 14 / 14 E-mail
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Albums added by Nataniel80
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Album reviews written by Nataniel80
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Draconian Darkness preview  Wolfheart preview  Draconian Darkness (2024) 95/100    Sep 13, 2024
Kolejna świetna płyta Wolfheart.
Draconian DarknessScion of the Flame95/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Wolfheart preview  Draconian Darkness (2024)
Draconian DarknessDeath Leads the Way95/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Wolfheart preview  Draconian Darkness (2024)
Draconian DarknessEvenfall95/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Wolfheart preview  Draconian Darkness (2024)
Endtime SignalsFalse Reflection90/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Dark Tranquillity preview  Endtime Signals (2024)
Endtime SignalsOur Disconnect90/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Dark Tranquillity preview  Endtime Signals (2024)
Endtime SignalsEnforced Perspective90/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Dark Tranquillity preview  Endtime Signals (2024)
Endtime SignalsThe Last Imagination95/100    Sep 13, 2024
preview  Dark Tranquillity preview  Endtime Signals (2024)
King of the NorthEternal Slumber90/100    Aug 30, 2024
preview  Wolfheart preview  King of the North (2022)
King of the NorthFires of the Fallen90/100    Aug 30, 2024
preview  Wolfheart preview  King of the North (2022)
King of the NorthHeadstones85/100    Aug 30, 2024
preview  Wolfheart preview  King of the North (2022)
View all ratings »
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Artists : 46,781
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