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Username yeib22   (number: 26855)
Name (Nick) yeib22
Average of Ratings 100  (1 albums)   [ Rating detail ]
Join Date September 14, 2024 03:46 Last Login September 14, 2024 03:46
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Time II preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024) 100/100    Sep 14, 2024
Absolutely amazing, this is one of the best metal albums ever! Everybody loves the way of the fire and one with the shadows, yet Storm really is something else. I can't get tired enough, I have heard this more than 20 times already and still I find new sounds and details everytime I listen to it. It's not a metal album, Time I and II are a complete symphony. Masterpiece. The only sad part is you don't get to really feel the experience with an MP3 or cheap earphones.
Time IIOminous Clouds95/100    Sep 14, 2024
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
Time IISilver Leaves95/100    Sep 14, 2024
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
Time IIFields of Snow95/100    Sep 14, 2024
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
Time IIStorm100/100    Sep 14, 2024
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
Time IIOne with the Shadows100/100    Sep 14, 2024
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
Time IIThe Way of the Fire100/100    Sep 14, 2024
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
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