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Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an CD Photo
Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an CD Photo
Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an CD Photo
Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an CD Photo
Format : CD
January 7, 2025
Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an
Rating :  93.3 / 100
Votes :  3
Album (2023)
TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresBlack Metal, Death Metal, War Metal, Noise
LabelsIron Bonehead Productions
1. Trans-Linguistic Utterance of a Sacred Orgasmal Cry Fills the Lemurian Sky (By the Same Mouth, One True God Crieth Hriliu) (3:25)
2. Spectral Hyaenas of Amenta Howl, The Vulture of Ma'at Descends, And Tahuti Watches Without His Ape (4:29)
3. Mandelbrot Scarab of Fractal Manifestation Trapped in the Arachnid Webs, Spun Above the Hidden Pathways Into Non-Euclidean Interbetweenness (4:08)
4. Fundamental Reconciliation Between Maya and Yama Through Perpetual Okbish-Ouroboric Cunnilingus (3:39)
5. Nuit Arches over the Neither-Neither City of Cubes; Hadit Meditates While Hanging Upside Down Inside a Tesseract-Ka'aba (4:55)
6. Kalikshetra-Kairo Consciousness Revival (Alogical Exegesis of the Sandhipada-Sarisreepa Continuum Vigyaan) (2:08)
7. Thanatos and Eros Wrestle Forever, Folding and Unfolding from the Substratum of Supreme Voidness of S'lba (4:39)
8. Intoxicated Bees of Sekhet-Aarhu Circumambulate the Abode of Self Beheaded One Who Forever Danceth in Her Shaktisexual Ecstasy (4:30)
9. One Who Weaves the Chthonic Garland of 52 Skullphabets Severed by the Sword of Neti-Neti (4:09)
10. Golden Ontological Embroideries of Pythagorean Meta-Geometries Sewn on the Blue Veil Surface of Nought (5:02)
11. Fifteen Streams of Lunar Kalas Secrete from the Quaking Yoni of the Goddess Sixteen (Tantric Alchemy of the Cascading Nectars of Sodashi) (3:27)
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