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Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresMelodic Black Metal
LabelsNecropolis Records
Ranked#35 for 1998 , #1,254 all-time
Reviews :  1
Comments :  11
Total votes :  12
Rating :  90.5 / 100
Have :  14       Want : 1
Added by level 15 김한별
Last modified by level 21 Eagles
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Dawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by me666talDawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by IntotheBlackDawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by FlyDawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by IntotheBlackDawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by respinmusicDawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by MMSA
Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) Information

Track listing (Songs)


Line-up (members)

  • Henke Forss : Vocals
  • Andreas Fullmestad : Guitars
  • Fredrik Söderberg : Guitars
  • Lars Tängmark : Bass
  • Jocke Pettersson : Drums
Produced by Dawn
Engineered and mixed by Dawn and Peter Tägtgren
Recorded in Abyss Studios, April 1997

All music composed by Fredrik Söderberg
Arrangements by Fredrik Söderberg and Dawn
Lyrics by Henke Forss, Martin Hellkvist and Philip Von Segebaden

Executive Producer Paul Thind, Necropolis Records
Layout and design by Dawn and Deanna Alcorn
Cover concept by Dawn
Band photos by An ... See More

Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) Lists


Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) Reviews

Reviewer :  level 12   90/100
Date : 
Probably the purest Melodic Black Metal album ever recorded. Every song is nonstop melodic tremolo riffing over unrelentingly blast beats. Despite the incredible quality of this album, it has almost no experimentation, no outside influences, and very little variety. But that makes it such an iconic triumph of the genre. Anyone want to hear the best and purest example of Meloblack, you slap this baby on.

Right from the album art, there is a certain beauty to this. That perfect shot of a dark sunset encapsulates the catchy, poignant lead guitar melodies that dominate the otherwise morose and oppressive atmosphere. One after another, songs lay down memorable riffs, and the whole thing is filled with great lyrics as well. The near-constant blast beating does get to be a bit much at times, but the drumming performance is so great I can’t really complain.

Two songs definitely steal the show a bit, those being the opener and closer. Both have some of the best lead guitar riffs of all time, and a wonderfully somber atmosphere that is dually triumphant and powerful. Perfect way to open and close the album. This one is a shining star.

Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) Comments

level 9   80/100
멜로디컬한 투기타의 콤비, 변박의 드러밍까지..완벽한 멜로딕블랙 앨범.
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level 9   90/100
깔끔한 멜로딕 블랙. 웅장하면서 시원시원하게 달려주는 드럼과 속도감과 멜로디 두마리 토끼를 잡은 기타, 사악하고 공격적이지만 그 속에 숨은 부드러움이 있는 보컬까지. 훌륭하다. 90.5점.
level 12   80/100
Dawn are a Swedish Melodic Black Metal band, that several fans point as a continuation of Dissection. Once you listen to "Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)" it's obvious that it's black metal album, no question about it. Album has a very lengthy songs, usually around 10 minutes apiece, which means, there is a fair amount of riff repetition, which can be good or bad. On a few songs they'll start to get a bit boring and then an awesome riff cuts in and seizes your attention.
level 12   90/100
어디가서 블랙메탈 좋아한다고 말하기 민망하다. 이 앨범과 이 밴드를 2022년도에 알게 되었다니. 지나간 세월이여…..
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level 10   100/100
앨범 자켓만큼이나 사악하고 공격적이나, 동시에 아름답다.
Dawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by IntotheBlack
Dawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by IntotheBlack
level 21   80/100
druhé a zatiaľ posledné album je opäť v štýle Melodického Black/Death Metal -u, pričom oproti prvotine je podarenejšie a sú na ňom silnejšie nápady. Hlavne prvá pieseň "The Knell and the World" je pecka. Ostatné sú tiež celkom dobré, ale menej výrazné, než spomínaná jednotka
level 20   85/100
본작이 지닌 작품 완성도는 상당히 뛰어난 편이다. 여느 멜로딕 블랙메탈 앨범들과는 다른 아우라를 뿜어낸 앨범이다. 그러나 내게 있어서 길이가 문제였다. 초중반까지의 흡입력은 장난아니었지만 중후반 무렵에는 슬슬 끝날때가 됐는데...이쯤에서 끝내면 좋을텐데..하는 생각이 들었다. 음악은 좋았으나 러닝타임이 발목을 잡은 앨범.
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Dawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) CD Photo by 서태지
level 16   95/100
말씀대로 대단히 훌륭한 작품. 본인들만의 개성도 있고 무엇보다도 년도에 비해 잘 다듬어진 악곡과 레코딩, 매끈한 멜로디가 칭찬해 마땅하다. 다만 내가 느끼기에는 조금만 더 미니멀하게 곡을 짜면 어떨까싶다.
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level 8   95/100
멜로디가 참 좋다. 몇 없는 멜블랙 명반들 중 하나.
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level 3   100/100
다른말 필요없이 명작입니다. 참고로 바이하드에 재고 1장있습니다.
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level 4   100/100
공격적이면서도 극도로 절제된 사운드가 돋보이는 최고의 블랙메틀 앨범
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Dawn Discography

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▶  Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)Album90.5121
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Artists : 49,293
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