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Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Heart of Gore / In Regard to Omnipresent Neurofibromatous Matters

Heart of Gore / In Regard to Omnipresent Neurofibromatous Matters

LabelsTerceiro Mundo Chaos Discos
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Heart of Gore / In Regard to Omnipresent Neurofibromatous Matters Information

Track listing (Songs)

1.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Heart of Gore2:31-0
2.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Lethal Bacterial Insanity0:53-0
3.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Discipline of Murder0:54-0
4.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Neural Cerebral Molestation0:56-0
5.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Chronicles of Fetal Diseases1:47-0
6.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Rotting Alone0:42-0
7.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Abyss of Purulent Infinity1:35-0
8.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Dissected Consecrated1:17-0
9.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Serial Killer1:29-0
10.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Denied Asphyxiation0:59-0
11.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Necrotomy1:44-0
12.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Remnants of Artificial Agony1:41-0
13.Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Drowned0:56-0
14.Cystgurgle - Phagedenic Eruptions of Gigantic Experimented Flesh0:59-0
15.Cystgurgle - Emetic Application in Lymphangiosarcomatous Manipulation0:39-0
16.Cystgurgle - Subterranean Operating Chamber Haematopyophagic Rite0:49-0
17.Cystgurgle - Tranquil State of Witnessing Cadaveric Hydrorrhea1:08-0
18.Cystgurgle - Bizarre Collections of postmortal Melanemetic Matters0:25-0
19.Cystgurgle - Diarrhea Submersion in Coprolibidinosa Hysteria0:31-0
20.Cystgurgle - Adipocere Swamp Endoparasitic Agglomeration0:37-0
21.Cystgurgle - Morbid Growth of Innards Crammed with Acanthocephala0:36-0
22.Cystgurgle - Rediscovered Abandoned Morgue Mass Bodily Fluid Flux0:35-0
23.Cystgurgle - Esoteric Mindsets Towards Malignant Oligodendroma0:40-0
24.Cystgurgle - Behavioural Emetophagia in Paraurethral Neoplasm0:09-0
25.Cystgurgle - Bacterial Formation Induced Mucocele Hypersuction0:16-0
26.Cystgurgle - Empyemic Chunks Shrouded with Stachybotrys0:31-0
27.Cystgurgle - Delightful Decomposed Cerebral Drainage Molestation0:36-0
28.Cystgurgle - Necrocreative Perception of Cholelithotomical Sprays0:12-0
29.Cystgurgle - Visceroperitoneal Autodigestion Seepage Consumption0:36-0
30.Cystgurgle - In Regard to Omnipresent Neurofibromatous Matters0:55-0

Line-up (members)

  • Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration
  • Pierre : Drums
  • Vincent : Guitars
  • Tony LeGrinder : Vocals
Disgorgement Of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration:
Recorded at 1524 Studio in October 2013.
Mixed and mastered at SGSL Studio in April 2014.

Drums recorded at Pandora Studio on 30 January 2014.
Bass recorded at 84 Music House on 10 May 2014.
Vocals recorded at 84 Music House on 17 May 2014.

Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration Discography

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