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564 albums
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Cruce SignatipreviewBlackSStormpreviewCruce Signati (2006)  [Split]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Blackened Holocaust Terror MetalpreviewBlackSStormpreviewBlackened Holocaust Terror Metal (2004)  [Compilation]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
previewBlackSStormpreview"1011000" (2002)-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
no imagepreviewBlackSStormpreviewBlackSStorm / Habacus Sucabah (2002)  [Split]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
AlesiapreviewBlackSStorm / AnwynnpreviewAlesia (2002)  [Split]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
no imagepreviewBlackSStormpreviewBleeding Over Gergovia (2001)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Nacht und NebelpreviewBlackSStormpreviewNacht und Nebel (2001)-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Elitism PropagandapreviewBlackSStormpreviewElitism Propaganda (2001)  [Split]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Night, Death and the DevilpreviewBlackSStormpreviewNight, Death and the Devil (2000)  [Compilation]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Thermonuklear WhisperpreviewBlackSStormpreviewThermonuklear Whisper (2000)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
no imagepreviewBlackSStormpreviewIuppiteradikation (2000)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
no imagepreviewBlackSStormpreviewEin Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer! (2000)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Unser KampfpreviewBlackSStormpreviewUnser Kampf (1998)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
no imagepreviewBlackSStormpreviewFuck Christ Noïse - Four mon Amour (1998)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Hymner Til Doden Og MorketpreviewHelvetespinepreviewHymner Til Doden Og Morket (2007)  [EP]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
HelvetespinepreviewHelvetespinepreviewHelvetespine (2005)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 27, 2010
Live 2008 I - Gods of MetalpreviewDeath SSpreviewLive 2008 I - Gods of Metal (2009)  [Live]-0level 7 VincentMay 26, 2010
Comme le Christ sur la CroixpreviewGergoviapreviewComme le Christ sur la Croix (2009)-0level 7 VincentMay 26, 2010
Memento MoripreviewGergoviapreviewMemento Mori (2008)-0level 7 VincentMay 26, 2010
King of PainpreviewLoudnesspreviewKing of Pain (2010)84.65level 7 VincentMay 26, 2010
no imagepreviewManowarpreviewHell on Earth V (2009)  [Video]-0level 7 VincentMay 26, 2010
Upon Haunted BattlefieldspreviewThaurorodpreviewUpon Haunted Battlefields (2010)751level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Morning LakepreviewThaurorodpreviewMorning Lake (2007)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Tales of the EndpreviewThaurorodpreviewTales of the End (2006)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
ThaurorodpreviewThaurorodpreviewThaurorod (2005)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Last Breath of LifepreviewYaotzinpreviewLast Breath of Life (2009)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
ReGame? (the 2nd fan service)previewN.EX.TpreviewReGame? (the 2nd fan service) (2006)77.98level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Guilty Gear XX #Reload Korean Version Original Sound TrackpreviewN.EX.TpreviewGuilty Gear XX #Reload Korean Version Original Sound Track (2003)81.86level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
The Compendium ArchivepreviewAgallochpreviewThe Compendium Archive (2010)  [Compilation]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Wooden BoxpreviewAgallochpreviewWooden Box (2010)  [Boxed set]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Black DevotionpreviewInfernopreviewBlack Devotion (2009)851level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Live PlaguepreviewInfernopreviewLive Plague (2008)  [Live]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Increibles TormentospreviewCryfemalpreviewIncreibles Tormentos (2009)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Roll BackpreviewDreamhunterpreviewRoll Back (2010)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
The Hunt Is OnpreviewDreamhunterpreviewThe Hunt Is On (2006)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
CronospreviewDragonslayerpreviewCronos (2007)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Sed De MalpreviewDragonslayerpreviewSed De Mal (2005)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Noches de tormentapreviewDragonslayerpreviewNoches de tormenta (2001)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Orgullo, Pasión Y Gloria - Tres Noches En La Ciudad De MéxicopreviewMetallicapreviewOrgullo, Pasión Y Gloria - Tres Noches En La Ciudad De México (2009)  [Video]81.33level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
A Dialogue with the DimensionspreviewShEverpreviewA Dialogue with the Dimensions (2009)  [EP]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Ocean of IllusionspreviewShEverpreviewOcean of Illusions (2007)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Pacta Daemonarium - CrassepreviewDiapsiquirpreviewPacta Daemonarium - Crasse (2009)  [Compilation]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Nachtschwarze Momente / the Uruk-HaipreviewVinterriketpreviewNachtschwarze Momente / the Uruk-Hai (2010)  [Split]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Nachtschwarze MomentepreviewVinterriketpreviewNachtschwarze Momente (2009)  [EP]-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Lifeless AlivepreviewEternal LegacypreviewLifeless Alive (2009)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Audible MinoritypreviewKekalpreviewAudible Minority (2008)-0level 7 VincentMay 25, 2010
Singles & E.P. Anthology '68 - '80previewDeep PurplepreviewSingles & E.P. Anthology '68 - '80 (2010)  [Compilation]-0level 7 VincentMay 24, 2010
Space Truckin Round the World LivepreviewDeep PurplepreviewSpace Truckin Round the World Live (2009)  [Live]-0level 7 VincentMay 24, 2010
Live EncounterspreviewDeep PurplepreviewLive Encounters (2009)  [Live]-0level 7 VincentMay 24, 2010
History, Hits, & HighlightspreviewDeep PurplepreviewHistory, Hits, & Highlights (2009)  [Video]-0level 7 VincentMay 24, 2010
ArchetypepreviewSecret SpherepreviewArchetype (2010)884level 7 VincentMay 24, 2010
Mala Herba Cito CrescitpreviewMala HerbapreviewMala Herba Cito Crescit (2010)-0level 7 VincentMay 21, 2010
Terrorcaust: Sons of the bleeding NaturepreviewNardornpreviewTerrorcaust: Sons of the bleeding Nature (2007)-0level 7 VincentMay 20, 2010
Terror ThrashpreviewNardornpreviewTerror Thrash (2006)-0level 7 VincentMay 20, 2010
Slavonic Horned EvilpreviewAzelsgardpreviewSlavonic Horned Evil (2008)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 20, 2010
Sadistic Delirium ManifestpreviewAdragardpreviewSadistic Delirium Manifest (2010)-0level 7 VincentMay 20, 2010
Neverending Necro VoidpreviewAdragardpreviewNeverending Necro Void (2009)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 20, 2010
Magick with TearspreviewReverend BizarrepreviewMagick with Tears (2009)  [Compilation]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
VitiumpreviewDead AlonepreviewVitium (2010)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Guardian AngelpreviewDivided MultitudepreviewGuardian Angel (2010)951level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Falling to PiecespreviewDivided MultitudepreviewFalling to Pieces (2003)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Divided MultitudepreviewDivided MultitudepreviewDivided Multitude (2001)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Inner SelfpreviewDivided MultitudepreviewInner Self (1999)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Tale of TomorrowpreviewDivided MultitudepreviewTale of Tomorrow (1997)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
StrandedpreviewDivided MultitudepreviewStranded (1996)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Promo 2005previewBlinded ColonypreviewPromo 2005 (2005)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
no imagepreviewBlinded ColonypreviewTribute to Chaos (2002)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
IRISpreviewDamaged JusticepreviewIRIS (2009)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Unholy FirepreviewDamaged JusticepreviewUnholy Fire (2004)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Bloodred SunrisepreviewDamaged JusticepreviewBloodred Sunrise (2000)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Damaged JusticepreviewDamaged JusticepreviewDamaged Justice (1997)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
no imagepreviewChildren of TragedypreviewAn Orchestration in Hysteria (2005)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Children of TragedypreviewChildren of TragedypreviewChildren of Tragedy (2004)  [EP]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
no imagepreviewArmagedompreviewSem Esperanças (2008)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Armagedom / BombenalarmpreviewArmagedompreviewArmagedom / Bombenalarm (2006)  [Split]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Apogeu Da Insanidade, Crepúsculo Da HumanidadepreviewArmagedompreviewApogeu Da Insanidade, Crepúsculo Da Humanidade (2005)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Pricipio da Agonia - 1984previewArmagedompreviewPricipio da Agonia - 1984 (2003)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Das Cinzas ao InfernopreviewArmagedompreviewDas Cinzas ao Inferno (2001)801level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Silêncio FúnebrepreviewArmagedompreviewSilêncio Fúnebre (1986)801level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
no imagepreviewOcultanpreviewCeremony of Hate (2008)  [Video]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Atombe UnkuluntupreviewOcultanpreviewAtombe Unkuluntu (2010)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Llama EternapreviewLujuriapreviewLlama Eterna (2010)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
HeroespreviewArthemispreviewHeroes (2010)86.76level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Enigmtic Videos 2005previewPagan's MindpreviewEnigmtic Videos 2005 (2005)  [Video]1001level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Throes of PerditionpreviewTriviumpreviewThroes of Perdition (2009)  [Single]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Tokyo JukeboxpreviewMarty FriedmanpreviewTokyo Jukebox (2009)81.76level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
The Seraphic ClockworkpreviewVanden PlaspreviewThe Seraphic Clockwork (2010)88.316level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
no imagepreviewNortherpreviewBreak Myself Away (2010)  [Single]752level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
You Take My HandpreviewAlmahpreviewYou Take My Hand (2008)  [Demo]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Era DivinapreviewHaggardpreviewEra Divina (2009)  [Boxed set]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Return to Heaven Denied Pt.II - A Midnight Autumn's DreampreviewLabÿrinthpreviewReturn to Heaven Denied Pt.II - A Midnight Autumn's Dream (2010)88.228level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
An Acoustic Night at the TheatrepreviewWithin TemptationpreviewAn Acoustic Night at the Theatre (2009)  [Live]88.84level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
UtopiapreviewWithin TemptationpreviewUtopia (2009)  [Single]902level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
no imagepreviewMahatmapreviewPractice What You Preach (2008)  [Single]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Halo - Hallowed Be Thy NamepreviewMachine HeadpreviewHalo - Hallowed Be Thy Name (2008)  [Single]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Valley of the Damned / Sonic FirestormpreviewDragonforcepreviewValley of the Damned / Sonic Firestorm (2010)  [Boxed set]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
The Last Journey HomepreviewDragonforcepreviewThe Last Journey Home (2009)  [Single]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Live in Ústí nad Labem 28.1.06previewKrvavá PrácepreviewLive in Ústí nad Labem 28.1.06 (2007)  [Live]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Zivak Ze SusarnypreviewKrvavá PrácepreviewZivak Ze Susarny (2005)  [Live]-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
Kult Krvelačný KosypreviewKrvavá PrácepreviewKult Krvelačný Kosy (2005)-0level 7 VincentMay 19, 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,395
Reviews : 10,770
Albums : 177,444
Lyrics : 219,351