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Morbosidad - Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands

Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands

GenresBlack Metal, Death Metal
LabelsPagan Flames Productions
Reviews :  0
Comments :  1
Total votes :  1
Rating :  80 / 100
Have :  0       Want : 0
Added by level 12 Nalza[Sky]
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Morbosidad - Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands CD Photo by 똘복이
Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands Information

Track listing (Songs)

1.Bajo el engendro del Crucificado2:56-0
2.Castracion bestial1:53-0
3.Pacto satanico2:41-0
4.War of Hate2:47-0
5.Sangrieto sacrificio cristiano2:39-0
6.In my Blood2:03-0
7.Poseido por una alma Immortal2:23-0
8.Dios Muerto-0
9.Decompuesto cadaver en la Cruz2:11-0
10.Infiernos immortal2:42-0
11.Bajo el engendro del Crucificado2:56-0
12.Castracion bestial1:53-0
13.Pacto satanico2:41-0
14.War of Hate2:47-0
15.Sangrieto sacrificio cristiano2:39-0
16.In my Blood2:03-0
17.Poseido por una alma Immortal2:23-0
18.Dios Muerto-0
19.Decompuesto cadaver en la Cruz2:11-0
20.Legiones Bestiales-0
21.Infiernos immortal2:42-0
22.Salomon's Gate3:39-0
Tracks 1 to 10 : Live in Oakland, CA. 12-18-2004
Tracks 11 to 21 : Live in Chicago, IL. 01-22 -2005
Track 22 : Live in Salt Lake City

Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands Comments

level 20   80/100
열악한 공간에서 열악한 장비(홈비디오카메라)로 촬영한 만큼 그 구질함은 감출수 없는 트루함을 자랑하며 지금은 수백명 앞에서 MORBOSO를 부르짖는 이들이 당시에도 굉장한 저력을 가지고 있었음을 볼 수 있다. 라이브 실력이나 복장, 훌륭한 무대매너에 개판 오분 전의 관중들이 혼연일체되어 차마 이들의 '열혈' 팬이 아니면 쉽게 보지못할 광경을 선사한다.
1 like
Morbosidad - Legions of the Unholy / Demonic Plague and Deadly Commands CD Photo by 똘복이
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