Artist : Cathedral


Format : CD
▸ Label - Earache
▸ Catalog Number - MOSH043CDD
▸ EAN - 5 055006 504354
▸ Released - 2009
With Soul Sacrifice EP (1992).
My rating on this album : 90/100 (★★★★)
"In my opinion, those who criticise this album for its slow tempo are not fans of doom metal for sure. Disliking this album will be totally fine with me. But the tardy tempo in structure and sound is one of the musical characteristics of doom metal. Most people are disposed to talk about the first track of this album. But the tracks like 'A Funeral Request' and 'Reaching Happiness, Touching Pain' are also the jewels of this album."
Recommended Track : 1. Picture of Beauty & Innocence (Intro) / Comiserating the Celebration
▸ Catalog Number - MOSH043CDD
▸ EAN - 5 055006 504354
▸ Released - 2009
With Soul Sacrifice EP (1992).
My rating on this album : 90/100 (★★★★)
"In my opinion, those who criticise this album for its slow tempo are not fans of doom metal for sure. Disliking this album will be totally fine with me. But the tardy tempo in structure and sound is one of the musical characteristics of doom metal. Most people are disposed to talk about the first track of this album. But the tracks like 'A Funeral Request' and 'Reaching Happiness, Touching Pain' are also the jewels of this album."
Recommended Track : 1. Picture of Beauty & Innocence (Intro) / Comiserating the Celebration
April 20, 2023


Format : Vinyl
옛날에 테잎으로 사서 많이 들었던 커세드럴 작품이네요. 당시 다른 익스트림계 작품들과는 차별화된 음악적 분위기에 꽤 즐청했던 기억입니다. 라센LP인가요? LP로도 발매된건진 모르겠지만 커버아트가 쥑일듯 합니다. ^^乃
March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023


Format : CD
August 27, 2021


Format : CD
August 30, 2020


Format : CD
skc 메탈포스에서 라이센스
제가 제일 좋아했던 메탈 컬럼리스트 이원씨가 속지 씀.
제가 제일 좋아했던 메탈 컬럼리스트 이원씨가 속지 씀.
May 26, 2020
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