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level 5 mhvasconcelos' wish list
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50 albums
Artist Album Release Date Rating
Crack the Skye preview Mastodon preview Crack the Skye 75 Mar 24, 2009 91.5
Montrose preview Montrose preview Montrose 85 Oct 17, 1973 87.5
Bloody Kisses preview Type O Negative preview Bloody Kisses Aug 17, 1993 84.1
Ghost Ship preview Theocracy preview Ghost Ship 75 Oct 28, 2016 92.1
Charismatic Leaders preview Wheel preview Charismatic Leaders May 3, 2024 95
Bound to Break preview Anthem preview Bound to Break Mar 1, 1987 90.8
The Great Divide preview Enchant preview The Great Divide Sep 30, 2014
The End Complete preview Obituary preview The End Complete Apr 21, 1992 86.7
Double Eclipse preview Hardline preview Double Eclipse Apr 28, 1992 92.6
Solstice preview Solstice preview Solstice 1992 91.8
1 2 3 4 5
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