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1,863 artists
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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Lifting the VeilBlack MetalUnited States500
Flying Through InfinityProgressive MetalUnited States100
PaladinHeavy MetalUnited States100
AscensionLyricsPower Metal, Thrash MetalUnited States630
Purification du malDoom Metal, Death MetalCanada110
no imageHeavy Metal, Power MetalGreece200
Chasing a DreamPower MetalSweden211
Our Hearts in Your HeavenPost-Black Metal, BlackgazeJapan300
Negate the Infinite and MiraculousBlack MetalUnited States200
Communion (Soviet Tapes 1984)Stoner Metal, Doom MetalUnited States700
Thunder Perfect MindLyricsDoom Metal, Stoner MetalUnited States810
Blood and AlcoholDeath MetalUnited States200
Bitter Fruits of TemptationThrash Metal, Death MetalUnited States400
Hate WoundBlack MetalUnited Kingdom500
War DeclarationLyricsMetalcoreJapan310
Chapter 3: The Last SelectionLyricsDeathcoreSwitzerland1081
Fear & DaggerDeathcoreSwitzerland500
L'appelMelodic Black MetalFrance220
Soft As Butter, Hard As IceSludge Metal, Doom MetalUnited Kingdom300
Paleh​ø​rseProgressive Metal, Alternative MetalFinland100
Mind GamesLyricsPost-Hardcore, ElectronicoreUnited States810
Erase Your MiseryBeatdown MetalcoreFrance100
Sorrow and ExtinctionLyricsDoom MetalUnited States17180
DemoDoom MetalCanada100
ReveriePost-Black Metal, ShoegazeSweden200
PalmsPost-rock, Post-metal, Alternative MetalUnited States110
Final SessionMetalcoreCanada100
Certain Death AusteritiesLyricsDeath MetalUnited States100
Infernal Persecution (Demo 2016)Brutal Death MetalIndonesia100
Monarch of Dark MatterBlack MetalInternational100
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,970
Reviews : 10,666
Albums : 176,234
Lyrics : 218,939