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Name :  level 15 Stradivarius
Date :  2019-01-02 10:16
Hits :  4728

Batushka에 문제가 생긴듯 합니다.


My name is Krzysztof “Derph” Drabikowski. Most of You know me by the moniker Христофоръ, the leader and creator of the musical project Batushka. I am recording this video because I have lost control over Batushka’s website, Facebook page, webstore and as of Tuesday, even the Instagram account. This is the only way I can tell You what is happening and how my former vocalist is trying to take the band away from me. I created Batushka in the spring of 2015. I am the author of the music, lyrics, the name, the painting that you know from the album cover and the overall monk image idea. I have made the musical arrangements, wrote the melodies and recorded most of the instruments on the Litourgiya album in my private home studio. Before the finishing touches I invited Bartłomiej Krysiuk to do the vocals according to my guidelines, and Marcin Bielemiuk to re-record my drums parts on acoustic percussion. Batushka was meant to be an anonymous musical project, and from the beginning the idea was to keep the line-up unknown to the public so that the listeners could focus their attention on the musical experience itself. The album, released by Krysiuk’s underground label, became a hit. The demand for live shows from all over the world was enormous. So, I decided to, with the help of my friends, bring Batushka's music on to the live stage. During the past two years I have written and recorded the material for the second Batushka album, and Krysiuk pressed me to release it as soon as possible. As I wasn't satisfied with the results yet, I postponed the release of the follower of Litourgiya which followed with Krysiuk declaring he is leaving the band. On the Friday of the 21st of December I learned that Krysiuk hired musicians to produce an album that he planned to release as the new Batushka record, behind my back! He also registered Batushka as his personal trademark. Before I managed to do anything, he cut off my access to all Batushka's media platforms, and tries to enforce some kind of censorship on all media interested in the band situation. In response I have taken legal action and have been advised by my lawyer to not say anything further. All the new pictures you see on the website and Facebook page are of Krysiuk and random people like his son pretending to be Batushka. Every upcoming festival claiming to have Batushka in their line-up has made a deal with Krysiuk and not me. I would like to kindly ask You to copy and share this message wherever You can. Let the truth be heard.
As of now the only true Batushka will be that without Krysiuk behind the mic.

Thank You for watching and thank You for Your support.

제작자와 보컬 사이에 법적 분쟁이 있을 것으로 보이네요
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level 14 B1N4RYSUNSET     2019-01-02 11:01
헐...보컬이 밴드를 가로챘군요. 그러면 앞으로 엘에이건스나 랩소디처럼 동명의 밴드가 두개가 되는 헤프닝이 일어나려나
잘 몰랐는데 블랙메틸 밴드 치고는 빠른시간에 엄청나게 성장을 한 밴드군요. 앞으로 The Trve Batushka와 Batushka of Fire의 불꽃튀는 접전이 볼만하겠네요.
level No.8 빌리홀 [강퇴됨]     2019-01-02 12:11
운영자에 의해 삭제되었습니다. IP :
level 15 scratch     2019-01-02 15:56
이 글이 사실이라면 밴드의 음악과 이미지를 기획한 사람이 밴드를 강탈당한 건데, 그 밴드가 이름을 그대로 달고 나오더라도 음악성을 유지할 수 있을까요?? 안타까운 일이네요.
level 14 녹터노스     2019-01-03 23:02
옛날에 Gorgoroth가 생각나네요.
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