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Name :  level 아나르♂
Date :  2014-02-06 11:43
Hits :  6923

MP3 안에 있는 밴드들.txt

30 Sedonds To Mars / 49 Morphines / 4th Dimension / 5 Star Grave / 6th Awakening / 7 H.Target / 8 Foot Sativa / 9 / A Call To Sincerity / A Canorous Quintet / A Hero For The World / A Plea For Purging / A Stained Glass Romance / Abigail / Abominable Putridity / Aborted / Aborym / Absu / Aceept / Acid Drinkers / Acranius / Across The Sun / Adorned Brood / Adrenaline Mob / ADX / Aeon / Aerosmith / Agent 0 / Agent Steel / Akrea / Alastor Sanquinary Embryo / Alatyr / Alcest / Alkoholizer / All Shall Perish / All That Remains / Alter Bridge / Amaranthe / Amatory / Anaal Nathrakh / Anathema / Angel Corpse / Anger Cell / Angra / Annihilator / Anorexia Nervosa / Anthem / Anthrax / Apathria / Aragonit / Arch Enemy / Arcturus / Armageddon / Ars Moriendi / Arsis / Art Of Your Phobias / Artension / As Angels Blees / As I Lay Dying / As Light Dies / As Tide Breaks / Ashes Of Ares / Ashes You Leave / Asking Alexandria / Asmund / Asphyx / Assassin / Assesor / Astral Winter / Astronomikon / ATC / At The Gates / Atheist / Atreyu / Attack Attack! / Attacker / Attila / Attomica / August Burns Red / Aura Noir / Authorize / Avantasia / Avenged Sevenfold / Avulsed / Axehammer / Axewound / Azaghal / Babymetal / Back Door To Asylum / Baekdoosan / Bal-Sagoth / Bamseom Pirates / Barren Earth / Bathory / Battle Beast / Battlestorm / Bazzah / Be'lakor / Becoming The Archetype / Beherit /  Behemoth / Behexen / Beneath The Sky / Beneath The Tides / Beyond Belief / Black Countess / Black Jade / Black Messiah / Black Sabbath / Black Veil Brides / Blackguard / Blaspheme / Blasphemy / Blaspherian / Blasthrash / Blazon Stone / Bleed From Within / Blessed By A Broken Heart / Blessthefall / Blind Stare / Blodsband / Blood Of God / Blood Stain Child / Bloodbath / Bloodsoaked / Bloodstone / Bodyslam / Bolt Thrower / Book Of Black Earth / Borknagar / Born Of Osiris / Breakdown Of Sanity / Bring Me The Horizon / Broadway / Brother Von Doom / Brujeria / Bulldozer / Bullet For My Valentine / Burden Of Life / Buried Beneath / Burzum / Butterfly Temple / C.I.A / Callejon / Cannibal Accident / Cannibal Corpse / Capture The Crown / Carcass / Carmilla Morte / Carnifex / Caryy Your Ghost / Casbah / Casketgarden / Catamenia / Cattle Decapitation / Celtic Frost / Cemment / Cenotaph / Chariots Of The Gods / Chasing The Coroner / Chasing The Rise / Chastain / Chemical Breath / Children Of Bodom / ChthoniC / Cipher System / Cloven Hoof / Concerto Moon / Coprocephalic / Coroner / Corvus / Crack Ov Dawn / Cradle Of Filth / Crash / Crashdiet / Critical Solution / Crocodiles Walk Lying / Crossfaith / Crown The Empire / Cryptopsy / Crystal Of Carpet / Cunttlefish / Cyclone Temple / Cynic / Cyntia / Dirty Rotten Imbeciles / Dagoba / Damagedone / Damnation Angels / Danzig / Dark Angel / Dark Funeral / Dark Millennium / Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy / Dark Moor / Dark Order / Dark Tranquillity / Darkspace / Darkthrone / Darzamat / Daughtry / Day Of Loss / Dead Silence Hides My Cries / DeadXheaD / Deals Death / Dear Desolate / Death / Death Angel / Deathelectro / Deathember / Deathraiser / Deathstars / Decades Of Despair / Decameron / Decapitated / Decayed / Deception Theory / Decrypt / Deicide / Demigod / Demolition Hammer / Depopulate / Der Stürmer / Desecravity / Destiny / Destroy Destroy Destroy / Destroy The Runner / Destruction / Destroyer 666 / Desultor /  Dethklok / Deviant Syndrome / Devildriver / Diablo Swing Orchestra / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Diecast / Dies Irae / Dimmu Borgir / Disarmonia Mundi / Disciples Of Power / Disfiguring The Goddess / Dismember / Dissection / Dorgmooth / Dr.Acula / Draconian / Dragon Eyes / Drangonforce / Draw The Emotional / Dream Theater / Dreamshade / Dulcamara / Dyscarnate / Eaathshaker / Echos Of The Fallen Messiah / Edges Of Sanity / Egypt Central / Eldritch / Elixir / Eluveitie / Elysian / Emmure / Emperor / Empyrium / Ending Tyranny / Ensiferum / Entombed / Entropia / Epidemic / Epitaph / Equilibrium / Equinox / Error Brain / Eskimo Callboy / Sepinoza / Estatic Fear / Eternal Oath / Eternal Tears Of Sorrow / Eternal Voice Of Orbits / Ethereal Architect / Eumeria / Everlasting Dawn / Evile / Ex Deo / Excalibur / Exciter / Exodia / Exodus / Expulser / Extol / Extrema / Extremely Rotten Flesh / Exumer / Eyeconoclast / Eye Of Noctum / Exo / Fail Emotions / Faithful Darkness / Fall Of Eden / Fallen Joy / Falls Of Rauros / Fallujah / Fanisk / Fear Factory / Fear, And Loathing In Las Vegas / Feast For The Crows / Fit For A King / Flagellated Seraph / Flame Of War / Fleshgod Apocalypse / Flotsam And Jetsam / Followbane / For All I Am / Forces At Work / Forest Of Shadows / Forever An End / Forgotten Tomb / Furth Monarchy / Freak Kitchen / Frosttide / frozen Infinity / Fuck Your Depression / Fuck... I'm Dead / Funebraum / G.I.S.M. / Galneryus / Gama Bomb / Gargoyle / Gehenna / Gehennah / Girlschool / Gloria Morti / Gloryhammer / God Dethroned / Godflesh Deformed / Gorgasm / Gorgoroth / Greame Swallow / Grand Magus / Grave / Graveland / Gravesone / Graveworm / Grim Reaper / Grinder / Grip Inc. / Grizzly / Guttral Slug / Gwar / Gyze / Haemic / Halford / Halloween / Hammerhawk / Hate / Hatriot / Havok / Headhunter / Heart In Hand / Heart Of A Coward / Heartist / Heathen Foray / Heaven Shall Burn / Heavenly / Heidevolk / Hellbreath / Hellhound / Helloween / Hellraiser / Hellyeah / Helstar / Her Name In Blood / Hieronymous Bosch / Hobbs Angel Of Death / Hopes Die Last / Horna / Horror Of Pestilance / House Vs. Hurricane / Howlin' Mad / Human Fortress / Hybris / Hypocrisy / I Am Vengeance / I See Stars / Ice Nine Kills / Iced Eart / ID:VISION / Illdisposed / Illuminator / Immolation / Immoralis / Immortal / Impending Doom / Imperial Circus Dead Decadence / Imperium / Imprecation / In Dying Arms / In Fear And Faith / In Flames / In Mourning / In Solitude / In Vain / incarnator / Incarnia / Infected Omnipotence / Inferior / Infinite Tales / Ingested / Inquisition / Insomnium / Insult To Injury / Internal Suffering / Interrupting Cow / Intruder / Iron Glove / iron Maiden  / Issues / Iwrestledabearonce / Jeff Loomis / Job For A Cowboy / Judas Iscariot / Judas Priest / Kaledon / Kalmah / Kamelot / Kanashimi / Karas / Kat / Kataklysm / Katalepsu / Kataxu / Killfloor Mechanic / Killswitch Engage / King Of Bones / Kingdom Of Giants / Korpiklaani / Kreator / Krisiun / Kälter / Lacrimas Profundere / Lacrimosa / Lafaln / Lahmia / Lake Of Tears / Lamb Of God / LAzarus A.D. / Leather Nunn / Leons Massacre / Like Moths To Flames / Lingua Mortis Orchestra / Linkin Park / Lions Prode / Livsnekad / Lord Vampyr / Lost Dreams / Lost In Thought / Loudness / Luca Turilli's Rhapsody / Lunar Portals Of Astral Mirror / Lunarsea / M-Pire Of Evil / Machine Head / Main De Gloire / Majestic Dimension / Majesty / Make Them Suffer / malevolent Creation / Mandragora Scream / Manilla Road / Manipulated Slaves / Marduk / Massacre / Mastodon / Max Pie / Mayan / Mayhem / Megadeth / Mekong Delta / Mercenary / Mercyful Fate / Metal Church / Metal Messiah / Metallica / Metalucifer / Method / Mezzrow / Mindmaze / Minotauri / Miss May I / Mithras / Moloch / Moonspell / Morbid Angel / Morbid Saint / More Than A Thousand / Morpheus Descends / Mors Principium Est / Mortillery / Mortuary / Moutuary Drape / Mortuorial Eclipse / Motorhead / Mummified In Circuitry / Municipal Waste / Murder Made God / Muse / Mutiny Within / My Darkest Dream / My Material Season / My Ransomed Soul / Mygrain / Mystic Prophecy / Mythological Cold Towers / Nachtblut / Naily / Nargaroth / Nattvindens Grat / Ne Obliviscaris / Neaera / Necromantia / Necrophagist / Negator / Nekrogoblikon / Nekros Manteia / Neon Night / Newsted / Nightmare / Nightrage / Nine Inch Nails / Ninesin / Nirvana / Nocturnal Depression / Nokturanl Mortum / North Diamond / Nycticorax / Oakenshield / Obituary / Obscuris Romancia / Obscurity / Obsidian Sky / Oceans Ate Alaska / Oceans Will Rise / Odessa / Odious Mortem / Omnicide / Omnium Gatherum / Onicectomy / Onslaught / Opera IX / Opera Magna / Opeth / Order To Ruin /  Origin / Original Sin / Orpheus ( A.K.A. Orpheus Omega ) / Our Lady Peace / Ouroboros / Overkill / Pantera / Paradox / Parasite Inc. / Parkway Drive / Passion Mark / Pathfinder / Pathology / Patria / Per3ption / Persefone / Pestilence / Phalloplasty / Phantasm / Pighead / Pink Cream 69 / Pink Floyd / Pit Of Doom / Possessed / Postmortem / Powerman 5000 / Powerwolf / Prostitute Disfigurement / Protest The Hero / Prologo / Psychotic Waltz / Psycroptic / Purtenance / Putrification / Queensryche / Radiohead / Rain Of Acid / Rammstein / Ratos De Porão / Raven / Razor / Razrmaze / Re-Animator / Reign Of Sirius / Remnants Of The Fallen / Replica / ReVamp / Reverence Lost / Revocation / Rhapsody / Rhapsody Of Fire / Rise Of Ophiuchus / Rise To Fall / Rotting Christ / Royal Hunt / Ruin Of Remembrance / Running Wild / Sabbat / Sacred Oath / Sacrosanct / Sadistik Exekution / Saeculum Obscurum / Sahara / Saint Lucifer / Salt The Wound / Sanatorium / Sarcofagus / Satarian / Savage Grace / Saxon / Scar Symmetry / Scarlett O'Hara / Scarred By Beauty / Sea Of Treachery / Seax / Section Brain / Sedulity / Septic Flesh / Sepultura / Sevendust / Shadecrown / Shadowsreign / Shoot The Girl First / Shub Niggurath / Siebenburgen / Sigh / SIlencer / Silent Descent / Sin Of God / Sinister / Six Feet Under / Skadika / Skeletal Earth / Skid Row / Slayer / Sleeping With Sirens / Slice The Cake / Smouldering In Forgotten / Sodom / Solefald / Solstice / Sonata Arctica / Sonic Syndicate / Sons Of Aeon / Sortilège / Soulfly / Space Odyssey / Spies Like Us / Splattered / Stanmarsh / Starkill / Stormtroopers Of Death / Story Of The Year / Stratovarius / Structure Of Inhumanity / Sudden Face Down / Suffocation / Suicide Silence / Sulpher Aeon / Summoning / Sunpocrisy / Sybreed / Sykdom / Sylosis / Symphathy For Nothing / Symphony X / Sympuls-E / Synasthasia / System Of A Down / Tangorodrim / Taranis / Tearsdown / Tension Prophecy / Terminus II / Terror 2000 / Terrordrome / Terrormight / Tervingi / Testament / Texas Hippie Coalition / Texas In July / Textures / The Agonist / The Answer / The Battle Within / The Berzerker / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Browning / The Chasm / The CNK / The Crimson Armada / The Dark Prison Massacre / The Deathisodes / The Eagles / The Fallen Divine / The Greatness Design / The Korea / The Masquarade / The New Dominion / The Organization / The Rival Within / The Room Colored Charlatan / The Unguided / The Vile Impurity / Theatre Of Tragedy / Theatres Des Vampires / The Valiant / Thoughts Of Rejection / Thousand Foot Krutch / Thousand Leaves / Thousand Year War / Thrasher / Thunderhead / Thy Art Is Murder / Thyrien / Thy Serpent / To My Last Breath / Tokyo Blade / Tomahawk / Torture Squad / Toxic Hate / Toxic Holocaust / Toxodeath / Trail Of Tears / Transilvanian Beat Club / Trenchhead / Trivium / Tsjuder / Turisas / Twilight Of The Gods / Tyrant(Ger) / Tyrant(USA) / U.D.O / Unbreath / Undead Corporation / Underoath / Unearth / Unfathomable Ruination / Ursa Major / V8 / Vader / Vaguedge Dies For Dies Irae / Valtari / Vampiria / Vedonist / Venom / Vintergata / Vio-Lence / Violator / Vital Remains / Voivod / Waco Jesus / Wall Of The Fallen / War Master / Warbeast / Warlord / Watain / Weapon Status Red / Werewolf / While She Sleeps / Whiplash / White Spirit / Whitesnake / Wild Zombie Blast Guide / Winds Of Plague / WInterhorde / Wintersun / Wisdom / Witchfynde / Wolfheart / Wormrot / WWIII / Xandria / Xentrix / XIV Dark Centuries / Xudef Klas / Xul / Zuul FX / Амбер / Аясын Салхи / Волколак / Слот / Холод / Аспид / Виноградный День / 死際サテライト

 - 대학 입학을 앞두고 심심해서 1시간에 걸쳐서 제 MP3 안에 있는 밴드들을 텍스트로 옮겨적어 보았습니다. 생각보다는 많은 밴드들이 있었네요. ^^

 메킹 회원분들, 새해 복 많이 받으세요. ^^
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level 12 아교     2014-02-06 11:48
으어어어어어 엠피 용량이 어마어마 하신가 보네요 ㄷㄷ
level 아나르♂     2014-02-06 12:31
네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 원하는 건 양껏 넣고 다녀요~
level 11 Bloodhound갱     2014-02-06 12:27
앨범수로 따지니 전 75개 정도 되네요. 얼마 안넣고 다닌다고 생각했었는데 쌓이다보니 저리된듯합니다. 들을것만 몇개 남기고 싹 정리해야것습니다.
level 11 Bloodhound갱     2014-02-06 12:30
댓글적다가 올리신 목록에서 언더오쓰가 또 살짝 눈에 띔 ㅋㅋ 갑자기 2집이 듣고싶어졌습니다 ㅋ 넣어야될듯 ㅋㅋ
level 아나르♂     2014-02-06 12:31
ㅋㅋㅋ 언더오쓰가 해체되서 너무 아쉽네요 ㅠㅠ 개인적으로 4집을 정말 좋아해요 ^^
level 11 Bloodhound갱     2014-02-06 12:40
4집도 좋쳐~ 저도 그 앨범으로 처음 접했습니다~
level 9 2pac     2014-02-06 12:46
아이팟 클래식에 넣으시나요? 클래식이 160기가라서 넣기엔 충분하던데
level Lime     2014-02-06 17:58
level 11 DJ-Arin     2014-02-06 22:32
전 180개 밴드네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
500여개 앨범, 5100여곡.... 아이팟터치 64GB입니다
16323Pink Floyd 앨범 좀 추천해주세요~ [20]level 12 제주순둥이2014-10-137898
16310乃 Only Raw is Real? 乃level 2 HelPeR2014-10-115169
16223Midian 데뷔 앨범  level 3 Vex2014-09-305601
16171일본에서 음반구입 [12]level 10 NC Duality2014-09-235683
16148Darkspace가 2개 등록 되있네요 [5]level 12 멜레릭2014-09-194807
16027인플레임즈 신곡 `Through Oblivion ' 들어봅시다.. ㅠㅠ [22]level 1 칼마2014-09-015495
16008Darkest hour 좋아하시는 분 있나요? [6]level 2 Om2014-08-295631
15979메킹에서 100점메긴 음반들을 한번 추려봤어요.ㅣ [18]level 12 Southern Kor2014-08-245507
15931다크 무어같은 밴드는 장르가 뭐죠? [7]level 7 oacoon2014-08-177225
15897[2014. 10. 3(Fri)] HELLRIDE RIDE ON 1003 !!! 19번째 헬라이드!! [4]  level 2 HELLRIDE2014-08-115641
15888세 줄로 쓰는 오지 오스본 후기 [17]level 8 Tapas2014-08-106466
15841Dark Ambient 추천 좀 해주세요^^ [12]level 6 메탈도사2014-07-305206
15772Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy 신보, 최근 한국 메탈밴드중 가장 잘만든 앨범 하나 나온듯 합니다 [15]level DeepCold2014-07-116706
15764old darkthrone의 추억을 곱씹는 분들이라면 [4]  level 20 똘복이2014-07-094389
15747안녕하세요 Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy입니다. [14]level M.pneuma2014-07-075572
15706대박 신인밴드~ Darkaeon!!! 듣고 깜놀했네~  level 6 메탈도사2014-06-304221
15599Rhapsody of Fire 내한공연 후기 [9]  level 10 NC Duality2014-06-098798
15587Hadi Sarieddine - State of Trust (Dark Tranquillity Ambient Cover) [1]level 9 DeftCrow2014-06-075290
15577Rhapsody of Fire 공연 셋 리스트 [4]level 3 deathknt2014-06-045949
15517Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus & Unwritten Symphony(1곡추가) [7]level 9 메탈라면2014-05-205539
15498Nightwish - Imaginaerum - The Score 구매했네요level 7 irwany2014-05-155431
15352올해 신보 체크 [11]level 11 아노마2014-04-096105
15319Dio Tribute 앨범 듣는 재미가 솔솔하네요~ [10]  level 6 메탈도사2014-03-315055
15271Insomenium 신보 신곡 공개! [5]level 8 Tapas2014-03-235115
15268감사합니다! [8]level 1 MS-DOS2014-03-235395
15186Metal Storm 선정 2013년 장르별 베스트 앨범 [9]level 4 Finlaggan2014-03-065305
15181nile의 unas,slayer of the god는 candlemass 표절?? [1]level 메리제인2014-03-055349
15163Beherit The Oath of Black Blood [16]level 실러캔스2014-03-015547
15145노르웨이.... [18]  level 20 똘복이2014-02-275545
15140좋아하는 밴드가 많은 국가가 어디십니까? [38]level 5 DTman2014-02-265769
151352000년 이후에 100만장 이상 판 메탈앨범이 뭐가 있을까? (메탈리카 제외) [7]level 가타카2014-02-265614
15096흔히 말하는 블랙메탈의 [6]level 14 TheBerzerker2014-02-205234
MP3 안에 있는 밴드들.txt [9]level 아나르♂2014-02-066924
14835[공연] [Metal Academy Festival Vol.1] RISING METAL SPIRIT ! Extreme Vocal Battle 국내 최초 보컬배틀!level 1 메탈학원2014-01-026164
14765크래이들 오브 필쓰 음악을 재탕하면서 최종적인 감상평 [10]level beta242013-12-165500
14659메킹회원분들이 레이팅한 100점 음반은 무엇인가요? [34]level 12 Southern Kor2013-11-235821
14658모야 대체 오늘 Dark Moor 공연 장소가 어디야 ㅠㅠ [3]level 2 잉섭승2013-11-235448
14633Dionysus - Forever More 번역좀 부탁드립니다.... [7]level 9 메탈라면2013-11-185632
14559오메...Dark Tranquillity 내한오네요 내년에.. [8]level 3 짱기2013-11-055854
14554Rhapsody of fire 의 신보 미리듣기가 공개(?) 되었습니다. [9]level 5 국어생활2013-11-045449
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악의꽃 2025-03-06 15:52
바벨과 더블어 "Stranger"의 "Stranger"가 최고의 곡 중 하나라고 생각^^
똘복이 2025-03-06 15:33
바벨탑의 전설 솔로... 진짜 풀피킹에 태핑에 마지막 스윕 피킹 마무리까지... 명곡이죠 ㅠㅠ
앤더스 2025-03-03 17:37
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse 진짜 미친 앨범이로군요!!
차무결 2025-03-01 16:00
7년만에 헤븐 쉘번 듣다
악의꽃 2025-03-01 00:51
블랙홀"바벨탑의 전설" 리프와 멜로디 전개 언제 들어도 소름.
고어맨 2025-02-24 21:43
Revenge 대체 가능 워메탈 공연 3월22일 Abysmal Lord / Caveman Cult 내한 있습니다.... 굽신...
앤더스 2025-02-24 20:50
Revenge 듣고 이 성님들은 인간이길 포기하신것 같다는 생각을 했습니다. ㄷㄷ
서태지 2025-02-24 18:32
Revenge 음악 꽉 막힌 머리를 뙇 뚫어주네요 너무 좋습니다 lml Infiltration.Downfall.Death
metalnrock 2025-02-15 00:48
그냥 기다리시면 재가입안하셔도 되었는데 ㅠㅠ
AlternativeMetal 2025-02-14 18:58
사이트의 인증서가 정상화 되었네요! 이제 주소창 https에 빨간 글씨가 안 뜹니다!