음반 팝니다
방정리 겸 음반 저렴하게 판매합니다. 소량 추가했구요.
30000원 이상 구매시 무료배송 해드리며 그 외 배송비 3000원입니다. 많이 구매하시면 할인도 해드려요.
계속 판매중이니 부담말고 kjh9717@gmail.com으로 문의해주세요~
Agalloch - The Serpent & the Sphere 10000 (디지팩)
Anathema - Distant Satellites 8000 (판매완료)
Anorexia Nervosa - Redemption Process 7000
Arch Enemy - Stigmata 4000
Blue Murder - Blue Murder 11000 (판매왼료)
Dark Sanctuary - Les Memoires Blessees 3000 (판매완료)
Deicide - Serpants of the Light 4000 (판매완료)
Gamma Ray - Insanity and Genius 4000
Gamma Ray - Land of the Free 4000
Katatonia - Night is the New Day 7000
Kreator - Extreme Aggression 6000 (판매완료)
Kreator - Violent Revolution 4000 (판매완료)
Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt 5000
Lacrimosa - Stille 5000
Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires 4000 (잔기스가 좀 있습니다)
Machine Head - The Blackening 4000 (잔기스가 좀 있습니다)
Methad/Skyggen 7000
Nightwish - Angels Fall First 2000 (자켓뒤에 비매품 적혀있어요)
Pain of Salvation - 12:5 7000
Royal Hunt - Paradox 5000
Scar Symmetry - The Singularity (Phase I - Neohumanity) 4000 (자켓뒤 바코드에 펀치 뚫려있어요)
Sepultura - Roots 5000 (잔기스가 좀 있습니다)
Summoning - Dol Guldur 8000 (판매완료)
Testament - Legacy 5000
Testament - The New Order 5000
Type O Negative - Blood Kisses 5000 (판매완료)
Ulver - Kveldssanger 10000
Vader- Tibi Et Igni 8000
쏜애플 - 이상기후 5000 (판매완료)
피아 - PIA 20000 (친필싸인반)
Ling Tosite Sigure - I'mperfect 4000 (일본반, 띠지포함)
Maximum the Hormone - Yoshu Fukushu 12000
Sadistic Mika Band - Kurofune 5000 (띠지 미포함)
Trigun: the Fitst Donuts OST 7000 (띠지포함)
락&팝 음반
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible 6000
Babyshambles - Shotters Nation 5000 (일본반, 띠지포함)
Deftones - Diamond Eyes 5000
Elvis Costello And the Attractions - Armed Forces 4000 (판매완료)
Incubus - Morning View 2000 (판매완료)
Jake Bugg - Jake Bugg 5000
Jamiroquai - Automaton 9000
Jessie J - Who You are 2000
John Legend - Once Again 3000
Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum 5000
Parov Stelar - The Demon Diaries 6000 (2CD 디지팩)
Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain 6000
PJ Morton - New Orleans 5000
Primal Scream - Screamadelica 4000
Sigur Ros - ( ) 6000
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble - Texas Flood 5000
Tears For Fears - The Seeds of Love 4000
The Beatles - Let it Be... Naked 6000 (일본반, 띠지 미포함)
The Jayhawks - Hollywood Town Hall 7000
그 외
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing..... 6000
Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon: The End of Day 4000
10000원이상 구매하는 분들 중 밑의 음반들은 이야기해주시면 같이 보내드립니다.
Gods'Illa - Believe In Gods'Illa (힙합음반)
James Brown - Sex Machine
Musiq - Soulstar
Justin Timberlake - Futuresex / Lovesounds
30000원 이상 구매시 무료배송 해드리며 그 외 배송비 3000원입니다. 많이 구매하시면 할인도 해드려요.
계속 판매중이니 부담말고 kjh9717@gmail.com으로 문의해주세요~
Agalloch - The Serpent & the Sphere 10000 (디지팩)
Anathema - Distant Satellites 8000 (판매완료)
Anorexia Nervosa - Redemption Process 7000
Arch Enemy - Stigmata 4000
Blue Murder - Blue Murder 11000 (판매왼료)
Dark Sanctuary - Les Memoires Blessees 3000 (판매완료)
Deicide - Serpants of the Light 4000 (판매완료)
Gamma Ray - Insanity and Genius 4000
Gamma Ray - Land of the Free 4000
Katatonia - Night is the New Day 7000
Kreator - Extreme Aggression 6000 (판매완료)
Kreator - Violent Revolution 4000 (판매완료)
Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt 5000
Lacrimosa - Stille 5000
Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires 4000 (잔기스가 좀 있습니다)
Machine Head - The Blackening 4000 (잔기스가 좀 있습니다)
Methad/Skyggen 7000
Nightwish - Angels Fall First 2000 (자켓뒤에 비매품 적혀있어요)
Pain of Salvation - 12:5 7000
Royal Hunt - Paradox 5000
Scar Symmetry - The Singularity (Phase I - Neohumanity) 4000 (자켓뒤 바코드에 펀치 뚫려있어요)
Sepultura - Roots 5000 (잔기스가 좀 있습니다)
Summoning - Dol Guldur 8000 (판매완료)
Testament - Legacy 5000
Testament - The New Order 5000
Type O Negative - Blood Kisses 5000 (판매완료)
Ulver - Kveldssanger 10000
Vader- Tibi Et Igni 8000
쏜애플 - 이상기후 5000 (판매완료)
피아 - PIA 20000 (친필싸인반)
Ling Tosite Sigure - I'mperfect 4000 (일본반, 띠지포함)
Maximum the Hormone - Yoshu Fukushu 12000
Sadistic Mika Band - Kurofune 5000 (띠지 미포함)
Trigun: the Fitst Donuts OST 7000 (띠지포함)
락&팝 음반
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible 6000
Babyshambles - Shotters Nation 5000 (일본반, 띠지포함)
Deftones - Diamond Eyes 5000
Elvis Costello And the Attractions - Armed Forces 4000 (판매완료)
Incubus - Morning View 2000 (판매완료)
Jake Bugg - Jake Bugg 5000
Jamiroquai - Automaton 9000
Jessie J - Who You are 2000
John Legend - Once Again 3000
Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum 5000
Parov Stelar - The Demon Diaries 6000 (2CD 디지팩)
Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain 6000
PJ Morton - New Orleans 5000
Primal Scream - Screamadelica 4000
Sigur Ros - ( ) 6000
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble - Texas Flood 5000
Tears For Fears - The Seeds of Love 4000
The Beatles - Let it Be... Naked 6000 (일본반, 띠지 미포함)
The Jayhawks - Hollywood Town Hall 7000
그 외
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing..... 6000
Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon: The End of Day 4000
10000원이상 구매하는 분들 중 밑의 음반들은 이야기해주시면 같이 보내드립니다.
Gods'Illa - Believe In Gods'Illa (힙합음반)
James Brown - Sex Machine
Musiq - Soulstar
Justin Timberlake - Futuresex / Lovesounds