After MUCH tenuous effort, we are extremely proud to announce that our revised and extended edition of 'Glorious Times' is currently finished, and is NOW AVAILABLE!
This is not a history book, not a book like any other music book. These are the memories from those involved in the early days of the scene in their own words. The memories THEY chose to tell.
Bigger and better than before! 160 pages of massively rare and mostly unseen photographs, tied together with sentiment and reflections from the very people who lived the era - the GLORIOUS TIMES. We refused to conform to the publishers who wanted every band's story (written in THEIR words) rewritten by a third party. We refused to take out our rare pics and insert promo line-up shots as the publishers wanted. Instead we sought out other photographers from the old days and found even more never before seen pictures. At the same time we also sought out a few more bands to make this version even better. We now have added 11 bands with stories from such legends as Ron Sumers (Slaughter), Scott Peterson (Cryptic Slaughter), Eric Meyer and Jim Durkin (Dark Angel), Joe Caper (Righteous Pigs), Brian Lehfeldt and Shann Mortimer (Wehrmacht), Ross Dolan (Immolation) and also Rob Urbinati and Scott Watts (Sacrifice) among others. Included too are pictures from the personal collections of Ron Sumners, Scott Peterson, Brian Lehfeldt, Ross Dolan and a bunch of others.
In addition to the new bands every old layout has been redone using industry standard software and formats so this time there are no skewed pics, no typos, etc. Many of the original layouts that were redone also include additional never before seen pictures. The Hellwitch section also includes a new story from Jim Nickles and the Unseen Terror section includes a new story from Mick Harris.
Bands featured : Acheron, Autopsy, Baphomet, Brutality, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptic Slaughter, Dark Angel, Death, Deceased, Deicide, Derketa, Disharmonic Orchestra, Exmortis, Groovy Aardvark, Hellwitch, Hideous Mangleus, Immolation, Impetigo, Incantation, Incubus, Insanity, Lethal Aggression, Malevolent Creation, Massacre,Massappeal, Master, Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Nocturnus, Nokturnel,Nuclear Death, Overthrow, Paineater, Possessed, Prime Evil, Revenant, Righteous Pigs, Ripping Corpse, Sacrifice, Sepultura, Slaughter, Soothsayer,Terrorain, Tirant Sin, Unseen Terror, Vomit, Wehrmacht and Where's ThePope?
Glorious Times can be purchased directly through us, for ordering info send an email to glorioustimesdeathbook@gmail.com and/or check out any of our sites:
Glorious Times can also be purchased through any of these fine distributors:
Bowel Of Noise Records - Greece
CM Distro - USA
Forgotten Wisdom Productions - France
FOAD Records - Italy
Goodlife Records - Belgium
Hells Headbangers - USA
Horror Records - Denmark
Kvlt Limited Oy - Finland
Missing Link - Australia
Nekrogoat Heresy Productions - Portugal
Nokturnel Eclipse - USA
Nuclear Winter Records - Greece
Obliteration Records - Japan
Record Boy - Japan
The End Records - USA
20 Buck Spin - USA
Witches' Tone Records - Germany
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