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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
no imageBlack MetalUnited Kingdom340
DemifragGroove Metal, Thrash MetalTurkey210
One WingMathcore, MetalcoreUnited States600
Avada KedavraSymphonic Black MetalUnited States110
AdventTechnical Death Metal, DeathcoreUnited States420
DreamscapesProgressive Metal, DjentUnited States500
Věk temnoty a krveBlack MetalCzech Republic110
鼓動Progressive MetalcoreJapan1510
Eternal DestroyerBlack MetalKorea320
The Great BrotherwarLyricsPower MetalGermany320
Your Life My DeathLyricsFuneral Doom MetalRussia621
HypocriteSci-fi Manga MetalAustralia110
Life in ChaosMelodic Thrash MetalAustralia110
Meditation on DeathTechnical Death MetalUnited States110
Psychic SecretionsLyricsTechnical Death Metal, Avant-garde MetalAustralia1120
Frozen DreamsMelodic Death Metal, MetalcoreFinland110
Bloodstained GodsLyricsBrutal Death MetalColombia210
Craving for RedemptionMelodic Power Metal, Death Metal, Thrash MetalGermany110
Spreading the FamineMelodic Death Metal, MetalcoreGermany110
Wizard of the Lost KingdomLyricsSpeed Metal, Power MetalGermany720
Oath of the GoatkvltBlack MetalKorea100
TempestLyricsFuneral Doom MetalUnited States420
Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła skroź šaścihrannuju pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakaĺnaha kaŭčęha zasnawaĺnikaŭ...Technical Death MetalBelarus521
A LeftoverLyricsDeath MetalFinland510
Starlight's GuideAtmospheric Doom Metal, Post-RockUnited Kingdom220
Live Upon a BlackstarLyricsIndustrial Rock, Industrial Metal, ElectronicUnited States610
III: Odyssey of the MindLyricsIndustrial Metal, EBMGermany1440
EveHeavy Metal, Hard RockKorea240
Retorno a la muerteDeath MetalSpain810
Lord of BeneathBlack MetalNetherlands320
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,116
Reviews : 10,712
Albums : 176,734
Lyrics : 219,019