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Xtreem Music

102 artists
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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
Slumber of Sullen EyesLyricsDeath MetalFinland12592
NecrholocaustLyricsBrutal Death Metal, GoregrindMexico216110
Yearning for the GrotesqueLyricsDeath MetalSpain31243
PsychostasiaLyricsDeath MetalFinland9200
Awaken from SlumberLyricsDeath Metal, Death Doom MetalFinland9161
Bloodchilling TalesLyricsDeath MetalSweden1391
Violent AggressionThrash MetalBrazil160
no imageLyricsDeath MetalSpain960
MoshPiritThrash Metal, Technical Thrash MetalSpain310
Revelations from the VoidDeath Doom MetalSpain430
Mass AwakelessLyricsTechnical Death Metal, Brutal Death MetalBelgium731
IniquitousLyricsBrutal Death MetalUnited States850
Crypts of Ancient WisdomLyricsDeath MetalGreece1030
Impious SacrilegeLyricsBrutal Death MetalSweden430
In Ancient BeliefsLyricsDeath MetalUnited States920
Unholy Primitive NihilismBlack MetalSpain330
Fist to FaceLyricsThrash MetalSpain620
Return to PangeaThrash MetalSpain320
Tower of SpiteLyricsCrossover ThrashUnited Kingdom910
The End of FaithLyricsMelodic Death MetalSpain420
Sharpen Your SpikesBlack Metal, Thrash MetalSpain930
Retorno a la muerteDeath MetalSpain810
Beyond the VeilLyricsDoom Metal, Death Metal, Black MetalSpain320
The Chalice of AgesDeath MetalUnited States410
Reap HumanityLyricsDeath MetalSweden1610
The Lupine AnathemaLyricsDeath MetalInternational510
The Decline of the Enlightened GodsLyricsBlack MetalSpain610
RevivingLyricsDeath MetalSpain920
Ode to GoreDeath MetalFinland320
ExitusDeath MetalFinland1400
1 2 3 4
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,292
Reviews : 10,751
Albums : 177,166
Lyrics : 219,106