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As the Serpent Raised by Moses Lyrics

Gory SDG - B.C.


TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
LabelsColeiosis Records
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6. As the Serpent Raised by Moses (6:04)
As the serpent raised by Moses
Healed the burning serpent's bite
Jesus thus Himself discloses
To the wounded sinner's sight
Hear His gracious invitation
"I have life and peace to give
I have wrought out full salvation
Sinner, look to Me and live"

"Pore upon your sins no longer
Well I know their mighty guilt
But My love than death is stronger
I My blood have freely spilt
Though your heart has long been heardened
Look on me--it soft shall grow
Past transgressions shall be pardoned
And I'll wash you white as snow"

"I have seen what you were doing
Though you little thought of Me
You were madly bent on ruin
But I said--it shall not be"

"You had been for ever wretched
Had I not espoused your part
Now behold My arms outstretched
To receive you to My heart"

"Well may shame, and joy, and wonder
All your inward passions move
I could crush thee with My thunder
But I speak to thee in love
See! your sins are all forgiven
I have paid the countless sum!
Now My death has opened Heaven
Thither you shall shortly come"

Dearest Savior, we adore Thee
For Thy precious life and death
Melt each stubborn heart before Thee
Give us all the eye of faith
From the law's condemning sentence
To Thy mercy we appeal
Thou alone canst give repentance
Thou alone our souls canst heal
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Added by level 16 Coleiosis
Gory SDG - B.C.
B.C. - Album Credits
  • Grunt G : All Instruments & Vocals
Other staff
  • Elliott Reed Hoppis : Cover Art
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