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176,000 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Wisp - The Insomniac
0level 19 Theo
Omination - NGR
0level 11 respinmusic
Melancholia - Static Church
0level 14 Metal Addiction
Phantasmagore - Overwhelming Recognition
0level 16 Coleiosis
Revulsion - Revulsion
0level 16 Coleiosis
Wharflurch / Writhing Shadows - Beneath the Blackened Clouds of War
0level 16 Coleiosis
Sea Sleeper - Nostophobia
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Evnen - Amygdala

0level 21 Zyklus
Âge ⱡ Total - ÂGE ⱡ TOTAL
0level 18 Krindern
Komatsu - Rose of Jericho
0level 18 Krindern
Evergrey - Where August Mourn
0level 21 Eagles
Band-Maid - About Us

752level 21 Eagles
Extirpation - Jatorri
901level 2 XERS56
Extirpation - Arimen Galbidia
701level 2 XERS56
VOLA - Straight Lines

0level 21 Eagles
Esophagus - Aberrance

0level 21 차무결
Mvltifission - Decomposition in the Painful MetamorphosisLyrics (8)
951level 16 rag911
As Everything Unfolds - Grayscale

0level 8 Poysky**
Aviana - Retaliation
Lyrics (1)
Videos (1)

0level 8 Poysky**
Earth Groans - My Own Summer (Shove It)Lyrics (1)
Videos (2)

0level 8 Poysky**
We Were Giants - The Final Encounter
0level 8 Poysky**
Existence Has Failed - BirthriteVideos (9)
0level 21 Eagles
Robot Death Monkey - Druid OdysseyVideos (2)
0level 21 Eagles
Caged Bastard - Strive

0level 18 Krindern
GoatPenis - United in Demonic Warfare
0level 6 Blasphemy
Cross Vein - Life of Veins
0level 10 마르코
Mountain Hermit - Anchorite

0level 1 AloneInTheWoods
Noeazy - Limbo
Videos (1)
0level Dualcore
Sete Star Sept - Bird

1001level 18 휘루
Pharmacist - Unstoppable Lymphatic Liquefaction
0level 16 Coleiosis
M8L8TH - By the White Wolf's Hammer
0level 17 MKContributor
Arcane Tales - Tales from Sharanworld
0level 6 Petrichor
Lifeless Exhale - Blood Occult
0level 2 Grimm_666
SargarSturmer - Momento de triste soledad
0level 2 WinterGal
Ruin - Murderous Delirium
0level 16 Coleiosis
Gokkun / Blumpkin Spice Latte - Splattered Seppuku Sluts
0level 18 휘루
Fellowship - Glory Days

82.52level 7 Krister
Nocternity - EPs 1998 - 2010

0level 21 Zyklus
Evil - Possessed by EvilVideos (2)
87.89level 6 Blasphemy
Brouillard - Brouillard
901level 16 Cosmicism
Kvaen - Northbothnia

0level 7 Gothenburg
Ulvegr - IsblodLyrics (6)
Videos (2)

0level 21 Eagles
Sin Deliverance - Another World

851level 21 Eagles
no image
0level 18 Evil Dead
Caedes Cruenta - Of Ritual Necrophagia and Mysterious Ghoul CultsVideos (5)
0level 21 Eagles
Nyctalopia - Flesh SlayerLyrics (11)
Videos (4)

0level 16 Coleiosis
Domestic Terror - Domestic TerrorVideos (1)
0level 21 Eagles
Water Bottle Bong - Prosthetic Face / Water Bottle Bong
0level 18 휘루
Raspatory - Pathopsychology
0level 21 차무결
Corpse Worship - Horror Chronicles
0level 21 차무결
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,012
Reviews : 10,675
Albums : 176,408
Lyrics : 219,000