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176,000 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
0level 9 메탈 샤우팅
no image0level 21 melodic
Daida Laida - Evolution Second Shot0level 18 Krindern
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
no image0level 21 melodic
Gonorrhea Pussy - Sleazography
0level 18 휘루
Déhà - Obstruct
951level 11 respinmusic
Darkestrah - The Gift of Mud and Venom
0level 21 Zyklus
Gastrorrexis - Paradise of the FliesVideos (2)
851level 21 Eagles
М8Л8ТХ - Did-Dub-Snop

0level 17 MKContributor
Civerous - The Expedition of Illness
0level 16 Coleiosis
Hardraw - Night of the WolfLyrics (11)
Videos (1)

0level 21 Eagles
Goblet of Ashes - A Tempest Waltzed upon Despair
0level 4 TheUnforetold
Disencumbrance - MMVIII

0level 16 Coleiosis
Existentialist - Prophet of IgnoranceVideos (1)
0level 14 Metal Addiction
Monolith Zero - Interloper

0level 19 쓰레숄드
Diatryma - The Servant

0level 19 쓰레숄드
Völva - Promises Unfold as Lies
0level 18 The DEAD
Hongsam - Swamp of Lost Souls
0level Rhuhongsam
Immolation - Failures for Gods
0level 16 Coleiosis
Coffins / Depression - Coffins / Depression  Split
0level 21 grooove
Extirpation - Egvgaitz oparri
852level 2 XERS56
Deprecation - Promo 2020

0level 21 차무결
External - Stillness

0level 19 쓰레숄드
Exsanguination Entrails - Apocalyptic Desires
0level 21 차무결
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,012
Reviews : 10,676
Albums : 176,408
Lyrics : 219,000