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The Chemical Wedding Review

Bruce Dickinson - The Chemical Wedding

The Chemical Wedding

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresHeavy Metal
LabelsAir Raid
Ranked#43 for 1998 , #1,453 all-time
Album rating :  90.6 / 100
Votes :  10  (1 review)
Reviewer :  level 12         Rating :  80 / 100
Struggling to capture the same magic in a different way than he did with Iron Maiden, Bruce’s first 3 solo albums were decent, but nowhere near approaching the prior band’s material. Accident of Birth was a much stronger effort in the right direction, and here on The Chemical Wedding, I feel Bruce finally proved himself a strong solo artist, not needing the coattails of his prior band to succeed.

Bruce’s voice is really the only thing that sounds similar to Maiden. This album is still Heavy Metal, but it’s played in a much different, more modern style than Maiden. The songs are a bit more rhythmic, heavier, and obviously there is more focus on the vocals. The sound is fitting with the late 90’s, but it doesn’t sound trend-hoppy or compromising, it’s just an intelligent adaption to the times; indeed, this was the only way for Bruce to successfully move forward, because looking to the past wasn’t going to work for him.

The choruses on these songs tend to be fantastic, but I do find the verses and instrumentation in general to fall flat at times. Too many of these songs suffer from a “just get to the chorus already” feeling. However, it’s still the strongest songwriting of his solo career yet. Some of the bass work here especially stands out, and those with good headphones to pick it up will be in for a treat. I suppose this is to be expected with a more modern, rhythmically focused Heavy Metal album. I do think more guitar leads would have done a great service to the record though.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.King In Crimson4:4390.86
2.Chemical Wedding4:0696.76
3.The Tower4:4593.36
4.Killing Floor4:3089.26
5.Book Of Thel8:14935
6.Gates Of Urizen4:25905
8.Trumpets Of Jericho5:59895
9.Machine Men5:41875
10.The Alchemist5:59925

Line-up (members)

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