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Failures for Gods

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresDeath Metal
LabelsMetal Blade Records
FormatCD, Digital, Vinyl, Cassette
Ranked#72 for 1999 , #3,758 all-time
Reviews :  2
Comments :  8
Total votes :  10
Rating :  85.5 / 100
Have :  5
Want : 0
Added by level 21 Eagles
Last modified by level 21 차무결
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Immolation - Failures for Gods CD Photo by ggerubumImmolation - Failures for Gods CD Photo by 꽁우Immolation - Failures for Gods Cassette Photo by 꽁우Immolation - Failures for Gods CD Photo by Evil DeadImmolation - Failures for Gods CD Photo by The DEADImmolation - Failures for Gods CD Photo by 신길동옹
Failures for Gods Information

Track listing (Songs)


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Failures for Gods Reviews

Reviewer :  level 12   80/100
Date : 
After the incredible Here in After, I was prepared for Failures for Gods to similarly break my spine and send me to a place of misanthropic misery where no god can touch me. I was ready for twisted riffs to fill me with infernal black flames and ravage my soul while the drums mimicked the beatdown of an unworthy god. That triumphant album cover of the devil gazing upon his subjects was the final piece.

Perhaps I expected too much. For somewhere between the two albums, Immolation seems to have lost something key. By rights, the music is expertly played. The drumming is inhuman, the songwriting is interesting, the vocals slay. On its own, it’s a great album. But this is essentially a strong Tech/Dissodeath influenced Death Metal album… not the follow up to one of the greatest albums in that genre ever.

Trying to put my finger on what’s missing here, it’s the memorability. Despite being highly Dissodeath influenced, Here in After featured some incredibly memorable riffs, often repeating their strongest, catchiest riffs multiple times in order for you to latch onto something amidst the brutal chaos, leaving each song memorable and strong. Failures for Gods… just doesn’t have that. I can’t remember a single riff off the album.

And that’s pretty par for the course when it comes to Dissodeath, but it goes to show why Here in After is a whole other breed. Failures for Gods is a great album that is sure to satisfy fans of the genre. But as a follow up to one
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Reviewer :  level 20   84/100
Date : 
전작의 연장선 느낌이 강한 Immolation 의 3집 입니다. 역시나 하는게 약간 난해한 구성과 그걸 풀어나가는 형식이 전작과 유사한 면이 많으며, 대신 보이스의 한층더 걸걸하면서 조금 부르탈?하고 공격적인 보컬라인이 좋았습니다. 곡들 전체를 보면 비슷한 형식이야 어쩔수 없지만, 끊어주고 잡아주는 완급조절이 전작에 비해서는 한층 다듬어진 것 같습니다. 조금 겉으로 빠지면 앨범표지가 쫌 실제로 보면 B- 급 정도 아쉬운 것 하고 녹음이 전체적으로 뭉친감이 없진 않았지만, 한결같은 밴드노선을 추구하는 편입니다.
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Failures for Gods Comments

level 8   85/100
Nada demais, prefiro os outros
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level 16   80/100
I can get into this one a bit, but not too much. I couldn't shake the feeling that something is missing from a lot of these songs. Overall, still good.
level 9   90/100
이들의 최고명작이라 할 수 있는 4집의 예고편같은 작품. 뒤틀린 사운드의 정석!
level 18   95/100
닥치고 들어봐야 할 명작 데스메탈 앨범. 불경 스러우면서도 묵직하게 그루브한 맛이 일품이다.
Immolation - Failures for Gods CD Photo by Evil Dead
level 14   95/100
매우 훌륭한 앨범. 다음 작품이 너무 뛰어나서 상대적으로 떨어져보일 뿐. Close to a World Below 스타일로 변화하는 과도기처럼 보임.
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level 8   80/100
이 앨범인 99년에 나온 3집까지 시디로 가지고 있다. 세기말에 나온 이것도 좋지만 2000년작 Close to a World Below 좋다는 소리를 여기저기서 하도 많이 들어서 나중에 최근작들과 같이 구입하려고 예전부터 생각중임.
level 9   85/100
Sounds just like Immolation! That's right, they managed to put out an album that seems like a continuation or extension of their previous work. It's still a great album, though, because the Death Metal feeling these guys give off is very different from that of other "mainstream" Death Metal bands. It's pretty much unique to Immolation.
level 12   85/100
캐즘같이 뭔가 분위기있는 데스메탈. 베이스 밟는 소리가 영 귀에 거시는 건 좀 단점.

Immolation Discography

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▶  Failures for GodsAlbum85.5102
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