Artist : Siebenburgen


Format : CD
▸ Label - Napalm Records
▸ Catalog Number - NPR030
▸ EAN - 4 001617 274729
▸ Released - 1997
Mixing is just fine (It does not mean that the mixing quality is good.... It would rather be considered bad), but the mastering quality of the original release is a bummer. This album needs to be remastered as soon as possible.
My rating on this album : 86/100 (★★★☆)
"This album is one of the most underrated melodic black metal albums of all time. The reason why this album has been neglected in the metal community is that this album was released when the genre, melodic black metal, was young. It means that the genre itself at that time was as pure as virgin territory. Probably this album does not sound as ideal as modern-day black metal albums, but this release is a journey of true imagination with hallucinating atmosphere."
Recommended Track : 10. Dödens Sömn
▸ Catalog Number - NPR030
▸ EAN - 4 001617 274729
▸ Released - 1997
Mixing is just fine (It does not mean that the mixing quality is good.... It would rather be considered bad), but the mastering quality of the original release is a bummer. This album needs to be remastered as soon as possible.
My rating on this album : 86/100 (★★★☆)
"This album is one of the most underrated melodic black metal albums of all time. The reason why this album has been neglected in the metal community is that this album was released when the genre, melodic black metal, was young. It means that the genre itself at that time was as pure as virgin territory. Probably this album does not sound as ideal as modern-day black metal albums, but this release is a journey of true imagination with hallucinating atmosphere."
Recommended Track : 10. Dödens Sömn
June 8, 2023


Format : CD
역시나 중고로 5,000원에 팔아버려서 재구매한 앨범. 여전히 망할 디지팩이기는 합니다
July 6, 2021


Format : CD
좋은 멜로디와 좋은 박자감의 편곡으로 고딕이 줄수 있을 뱀파이어 형식미를 최대로 끌어 올릴 판타지함이 이 밴드의 발매작 중에서 이 음반만 유독 좋아 하기에 가장 높은 점수를 아니 줄수가 없었던 것에도 연주력도 특별히 요구하지도 않기에 카피 밴드들아 어서 교과서로서 책상 대가리에 꽃길 ㅋㅋㅋ
1 like
1 like
May 2, 2020


Format : CD
뱀파이어 고딕 블랙인데 생각보다 멜로디가 부각되지 않더라도 빡씨도록 테크니컬한 연주력이 굉장히 탄탄하게 울리도록 분위기 있는 녹음 솜씨가 굉장히 탁월하네요
July 10, 2018


Format : CD
April 24, 2018


Format : CD
April 15, 2018