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Estupro a la conciencia Lyrics

Precaria - Precaria ex Humanitas

Precaria ex Humanitas

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresBlack Metal
Album rating :  87.5 / 100
Votes :  2
3. Estupro a la conciencia (8:05)
Viola tu mente, tu ser...
Mata tu ser, viola tu moral, los dogmas de la sociedad...

Instruye la emancipación del intelecto, copula con el conocimiento,
deja de ser humano y pasa a otro plano, déjate violar por la inhibida
e inmoral morbosidad ya que la sociedad será tu almuerzo, el poder tu merienda
y tu propia carne tu cena.

Tu conciencia siendo estuprada, enferma,
cayéndosele las capas de la moral, leprosa,
una tras otra...

Y tu seno estéril y el otro podrido,
amamantando tu obrar diario,
llenando de fango cada rincón de tu mente...

Sumergiéndote en el perpetuo letargo con el somnífero de la muerte...

Nacer bastardo para pasar la vida masticando vidrios y tragando ojos,
los que te hacen ver que la humanidad merece una eutanasia en masa y
que antes de posarte en tu lecho de muerte es mas sabio otorgársela
a todos cuantos puedas. Toma ventaja, mata a todos y mátate.


Rape your mind, your being...
Kill your being, rape your moral, the dogmas of society...

Instruct the emancipation of intellect, copulate with knowledge,
stop being human and step to another plane, let the inhibited and
immoral morbosity rape you as society will be your lunch,
power will be your feast and your own flesh your dinner.

Your consciousness being raped, ill,
dropping the layers of moral, leprous,
one by one...

And your sterile breast and the other one rotten,
breastfeeding your daily acts, filling with fungae
every corner of your mind...

Submerging yourself in the perpetual lethargy with the somnifacient of death...

Being born as a bastard to cross throughout life chewing glass
and swallowing eyes, those that make you see that humanity deserves
a mass euthanasia and before settling in your deathbed is wiser to
provide death to which many you can.
Take advantage, kill everyone and kill yourself.
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Added by level 19 서태지
Precaria - Precaria ex Humanitas
Precaria ex Humanitas - Album Credits
  • İanzél "The Hermit" : Guitars, Vocals, Bass, Composition, Arrangements
  • Opposus Discordia : Drums
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