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176,000 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Hyloxalus - Splitter

801level 18 Evil Dead
Limuria - Lunar Sanctum
0level 18 Krindern
Avatarium - Death, Where Is Your Sting
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Epitaphium Doloris - Vallis Animarum

0level 2 범고래
Hagane - Code ; 9021
751level 18 퀴트린
Maul - Nirvana 2002

0level 16 Coleiosis
Ancient North - Berzerker
0level 5 브라우니
Myrsky - Tuonelalle
951level 16 Cosmicism
Rancid Lung Capacity / Sexual Activity / Vaginal Bong Huffer - Stagnant Smells from Beautiful Cadavers
0level 2 MeatTheFrog
Psychophagia - Arousal Euphoric Debauchery
0level 21 차무결
Necrolatría - Where Light Has No Domain
0level 18 Evil Dead
All - From Jahannam
0level 18 Krindern
Oceano - Mass Produced

651level 21 차무결
Spiritus Mortis - The Great Seal
0level 18 퀴트린
Age of Agony - Raven Black
0level 21 차무결
Hellgrav - Rottomatic

0level 18 Krindern
Stygian Love - Solace
851level 16 Cosmicism
Disastrous / Projectile Vomit / Vermin Infection - Vomiting Disfigured Disastrous Vermin
0level 16 Coleiosis
Holding Absence / Alpha Wolf - The Lost & The Longing
0level 21 Eagles
Anthems of Gomorrah - Aelvica II
0level 18 퀴트린
.357 Homicide - Homicidal Amusement Through Supreme Exsanguination
0level 18 퀴트린
Vargríðr - Mørke Mysteries
0level 1 forestangel444
Enemy Eyes - Here We Are

0level 19 쓰레숄드
Helltern - Alighieri's Visions
0level 3 hellyeahmusic
Outside Observer - Phantom Soul
851level 16 Cosmicism
Escaping Aghartha - Avian
0level 18 Krindern
細菌戰 - 盜​殺​.​復​讐​.​虐​殺 / 新​寄​生​生​物​た​ち​の​時​代
0level 9 구경꾼
To Dissect - Reciprocating Cycle of Delusions
0level 18 Krindern
Dream Theater - Lost Not Forgotten Archives: Live in Berlin (2019)
901level 19 쓰레숄드
Arch Enemy - DeceiversLyrics (11)
Videos (13)

82.235level 11 키위쥬스
no image
0level 21 melodic
The Halo Effect - Days of the LostLyrics (10)
Videos (10)

89.645level 18 퀴트린
Boris - Heavy RocksVideos (4)
901level 16 Cosmicism
Sunstorm - Brothers in ArmsVideos (1)
851level 18 퀴트린
Weregoat - The Devil's Lust
0level 16 Coleiosis
Weregoat / Eggs of Gomorrh - Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains
0level 16 Coleiosis
Unprocessed - GoldLyrics (16)
Videos (9)

0level 21 Eagles
Carrion Vael - Abhorrent Obessions
803level 18 퀴트린
Hollywood Undead - Hotel KaliforniaLyrics (17)
Videos (15)

0level 21 Eagles
Leviathan - Mischief of Malcontent
851level 21 Megametal
ΣARΚ - Ruin
901level 16 Cosmicism
Aronious - Irkalla
0level 18 퀴트린
Nordic Union - Animalistic
0level 11 키위쥬스
Elizabeth Short - Decayed Stillborn
0level 18 퀴트린
Acid UFO Death Cult - חשֶׁךְ

0level 1 AloneInTheWoods
Royal Coda - To Only a Few at First
0level 4 Azurethief
Kallias - The Dark Machine

901level 19 쓰레숄드
Mons Veneris - Inversados d'Um Abismo de Podridão
0level 18 퀴트린
Osyron - Dominion Day

0level 19 쓰레숄드
AnamA - Dark Night

0level 3 hellyeahmusic
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,012
Reviews : 10,675
Albums : 176,408
Lyrics : 219,000