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176,210 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Arkhtinn - 最初の災害
0level 9 술 룹코
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid - Demo 2

0level 16 MasterChef
Fawn Limbs - Languor

0level 21 Eagles
no image
0level 16 Coleiosis
Isgärde - Den sista vilobäddenVideos (1)
0level 1 Morgotor
Musta Risti - Musta Risti
0level 21 grooove
Korpsesoturi - Malus Corpus
0level 21 Eagles
Black Road - Witch of the Future
0level 16 dragon709
Automaton - Talos
0level 1 Hati
Conspectus - Holocen
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Baring Teeth - Transitive Savagery
0level 16 Coleiosis
Fawn Limbs - Languor

0level 15 FiiO
Laceration - Imitation

0level 16 Coleiosis
Kosm - Cosmonaut
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Ditchwater - Breakdown
0level 18 Krindern
Fornace - Deep Melancholic Wrath
0level 18 Evil Dead
Voidsphere - To Await | To Expect
0level 21 Eagles
Graveworm - The Nuclear Blast Recordings
0level 21 Eagles
Vanquishor - Shadows of ExileLyrics (5)
0level 21 차무결
Secret Mutilation - Heartless Existence
0level 16 Coleiosis
$lamboy$ - $outh $ide $lamicide Part II
0level 16 Coleiosis
Frozen Moon - Legend of East Dan
0level 15 MMSA
Certainly Demented - Inhaling the Fragrances of Insanity
0level 16 Coleiosis
Gnosys - Deux: The Origin of Species
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Kriegszittern - Yellow Cross
0level 16 Coleiosis
Bokunopicono - Lolita Madness
0level 21 차무결
Oakenshield - Lyke Wake Dirge
851level 7 유로니무스
Anneke van Giersbergen - Symphonized

0level 21 Zyklus
Mendel - Conjurer

0level 19 쓰레숄드
Diamond Construct - Submerged

0level 8 Poysky**
no image
951level 12 goremonkey
no image

0level 19 Theo
dexcore - Brain Washing
Videos (1)
0level 19 Theo
Razor - Knot Invisible
0level 19 Theo
Goat Ripper - Vicious Structure of the CrucifiedLyrics (5)
0level 21 차무결
Gutsnagged - 2018 Demo

0level 16 Coleiosis
Teratocarcinomas - Tattered Corpse Molestation
501level 18 휘루
Goatblood / Molog - Goatblood / Molog
0level 19 서태지
Kilbury Unit - Pieces of Hate
0level 18 Krindern
Clouds - DorLyrics (6)
801level 18 퀴트린
Ypokosmos - Secrets of the PulseLyrics (2)
0level 21 차무결
Brake Fluid Injection - Heterosexual Testosterone Compressor
0level 16 Coleiosis
Armed Ark - Rewrite Your Story
0level 16 Coleiosis
Burning - The P.I.D. Files
0level 21 Eagles
Ciraxis - Winter

0level 19 쓰레숄드
1914 - The Blind Leading the Blind
875level 15 MMSA
Rigor Sardonicous - Ridenti MortuusLyrics (4)
0level 17 MKContributor
Azathoth - Sultan Of ChaosLyrics (5)
0level 16 Coleiosis
Eradication Of The Unworthy Infants - Solitary Confinement
0level 16 Coleiosis
Lucifer Impaled - Nuclear Desecration Of Satanic Might
0level 16 Coleiosis
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,094
Reviews : 10,703
Albums : 176,658
Lyrics : 219,007