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176,235 albums
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Bullet for My Valentine - Letting You Go

0level 9 MetalMusic
no image

0level 3 Baphomette
Five Finger Death Punch - And Justice for NoneLyrics (16)
Videos (19)

76.73level 9 MetalMusic
Rotten Sound - Suffer to Abuse
0level 21 Eagles
Nocturnal Graves - Titan
853level 21 Eagles
Burn the Priest - Legion: XXLyrics (9)
754level 9 MetalMusic
Burn the Priest - Inherit the Earth
0level 9 MetalMusic
Alkaloid - Liquid AnatomyLyrics (8)
804level 19 Mefisto
Frosttide - Decedents

0level 21 Eagles
Grayceon - IV
0level 21 Eagles
no image

0level 18 휘루
Age of Taurus - The Colony Slain
901level 10 falkalap
Fragments of Unbecoming - Perdition PortalLyrics (10)
0level 21 Eagles
Hardcore Superstar - Baboon

0level 21 Eagles
The Afterimage - Eve
0level 1 lezginkas
Quasarborn - The Odyssey To Room 101Lyrics (11)
0level 19 Theo
Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect - Let Light Give Way to Crimson
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Chordotomy - Subjugated into Obedience
0level 21 Eagles
Acherontas - Faustian EthosLyrics (8)
551level 21 Eagles
Ephyra - The Day of ReturnLyrics (10)
751level 21 Eagles
Wilt - Ruin
0level 21 Eagles
Necros Christos - Domedon Doxomedon
0level 21 Eagles
Crystal Tears - Decadence Deluxe
0level 21 Eagles
Ripe - The Litany of Fantasy
0level 21 Eagles
Valyria - Into the Dying of TimeLyrics (7)
0level 21 Eagles
National Napalm Syndicate - Time Is the Fire
0level 21 Eagles
Apocrophex - Æternalis
0level 21 Eagles
Obliterate - Impending Death
0level 21 Eagles
no image
0level 21 Eagles
Toledo Steel - No QuarterLyrics (8)
0level 21 Eagles
Kenòs - Pest
0level 21 Eagles
Verberis - Vorant Gnosis
0level 21 Eagles
Killborn - Theodicy
Lyrics (2)
0level 21 Eagles
Malsanctum - Malsanctum
0level 16 MasterChef
Remete - The Winter Silence
0level 3 Not_Important
Die Kunst der Finsternis - Queen of Owls
0level 15 모흐
Michael Schinkel's Eternal Flame - Smoke on the MountainLyrics (13)
Videos (5)

0level 21 Eagles
High Priestess - High Priestess
0level 21 Eagles
Thy Despair - Вільний
0level 21 Eagles
Six Million Dead - God, Greed and GenocideLyrics (7)
0level 21 차무결
Panegyrist - HierurgyLyrics (6)
0level 16 MasterChef
Mysterizer - Tales from the Mystery Days
0level 21 Eagles
Final Prophecy - Re-Awakening: The Demos 1990-1992
0level 16 Coleiosis
Xael - The Last Arbiter
0level 21 Eagles
Dead Girls Academy - Everything

0level 8 Poysky**
Amoura - Inhabit Me

0level 8 Poysky**
Cepheid - Chronos

0level 19 Theo
As Skies Divide - Hollow Messages

0level 8 Poysky**
Corpseater - Dead Rotting Bitch
0level 18 휘루
Frail Body - January

0level 19 Theo
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,099
Reviews : 10,709
Albums : 176,686
Lyrics : 219,007