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Alternative 4 Review

Anathema - Alternative 4

Alternative 4

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresAlternative Rock, Doom Metal
LabelsPeaceville Records
Ranked#23 for 1998 , #953 all-time
Album rating :  91.2 / 100
Votes :  13  (2 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 12         Rating :  100 / 100
Quite plainly, one of my personal favorite albums ever released. Despite that, I have trouble finding the right words to paint such a picture. If you’ve heard the album, it speaks for itself. If you haven’t yet heard it…

Imagine your world has just been shattered. Not in any vague sense, no – the person you care about and trust most in the whole world has just betrayed you. Initially you feel intense, stabbing pain; the world as you knew it is no more. Your vulnerable, unguarded heart takes the full brunt of the blow from the one you least expected to ever hurt you. Or, maybe you always knew. The pain sets, stays, and eats away at all you are.

Then the implications set in. If the person you cared about most in the whole world betrayed you, how can you trust anyone? How can you trust yourself? It was you who let your guard down around them, after all. Anxiety. Pain. Insanity. Pain. Paranoia. Pain. A desire to escape, by any means necessary…

Then comes the anger, the hate. They did this to you. They should be the one suffering for this. You’d love a chance to pay that back. You dare, you hope for them to make another mistake and give you any excuse.

But as time passes, memories remain. And there were so many good memories. There was love, once. Flashes of passion and genuine feeling come back, and once more the unavoidable pain starts again. It hurts because you loved them. It still hurts because a part of you still loves a part of them.

Regret. Genuine, existential regret. One of the worst feelings a human can feel. What have you lost? What have you become? Could things have gone differently? Is it your fault? Can you have one more chance?

Eventually, there is acceptance. It is the only way to carry on. But this isn’t exactly a happy ending. It’s simply s transition that allows time to keep moving. Flashes of everything still hit. The toll of the experience still weighs heavy. An unfortunate shade of misanthropy might persist. But one must keep living, and moving forward. An “It is what it is” and a carrying on towards destiny.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Shroud of False1:3792.97
2.Fragile Dreams5:3293.810Audio
4.Lost Control5:5091.19
6.Inner Silence3:08935
7.Alternative 46:1886.76Audio

Line-up (members)

  • Vincent Cavanagh : Vocals, Guitars
  • Danny Cavanagh : Guitars, Keyboards, Piano
  • Duncan Patterson : Bass, Keyboards, Piano
  • Shaun Steels : Drums
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Alternative 4
▶  Alternative 4 Review (1998)
level 12 SilentScream213   100/100
Jan 24, 2024       Likes :  1
Quite plainly, one of my personal favorite albums ever released. Despite that, I have trouble finding the right words to paint such a picture. If you’ve heard the album, it speaks for itself. If you haven’t yet heard it… Imagine your world has just been shattered. Not in any vague sense, no – the person you care about and trust most in the whole world has just betray...
level 12 SilentScream213   95/100
Feb 12, 2023       Likes :  1
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level 21 Megametal   100/100
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level 6 Krisad   92/100
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