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Username cellular   (number: 26554)
Name (Nick) cellular
Average of Ratings 92.1  (14 albums)   [ Rating detail ]
Join Date June 23, 2024 14:53 Last Login September 24, 2024 18:12
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In the Court of the Crimson King preview  King Crimson preview  In the Court of the Crimson King (1969) 95/100    Sep 12, 2024
커버아트가 호기심을 자극한다, 듣고나면 편안하다
Visions preview  Stratovarius preview  Visions (1997) 95/100    Sep 12, 2024
매번 8번까지는 잘들었는데, visions에서 이상하게 멈추어지는...
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Atonement preview  Immolation preview  Atonement (2017) 95/100    Sep 9, 2024
첨 들어보는 스탈의 데스, 지루할 틈이 없네요
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Vortex of the Worlds preview  Labyrinthus Stellarum preview  Vortex of the Worlds (2024) 95/100    Sep 2, 2024
1,2번 트랙 인트로에서 코즈믹 느낌이 강하게온다
Relentless Mutation preview  Archspire preview  Relentless Mutation (2017) 90/100    Aug 29, 2024
우연히 들었는데, 배속으로 듣는줄 알았음, 테크데스 좋네요
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Divine Gates Part ll : Gate of Heaven preview  Skylark preview  Divine Gates Part ll : Gate of Heaven (2000) 90/100    Jul 28, 2024
6번 Roberto Tiranti vocal 이 좋아 자주듣게 되네요
Ultu Ulla preview  Rings of Saturn preview  Ultu Ulla (2017) 95/100    Jul 13, 2024
Parallel Shift 최고입니다!
The Sixth Hour preview  Blasphemer preview  The Sixth Hour (2020) 90/100    Jul 6, 2024
'stabat master' is good, easy listening
Deathmachine preview  Myrkskog preview  Deathmachine (2000) 90/100    Jul 4, 2024
syndrome9 is best, 커버아트가 멋지네요
Maha Kali preview  Dissection preview  Maha Kali (2004)  [EP] 95/100    Jun 29, 2024
이상하게 계속듣게된다
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