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Nyogthaeblisz - Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation Photo
Nyogthaeblisz - Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation Photo
Death Oracle (L사이즈 후드집업)
January 8, 2023
Nyogthaeblisz - Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation
Rating :  88.3 / 100
Votes :  6
Album (2019)
TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresWar Metal
LabelsHells Headbangers Records
1. Abrahamic Godhead Manifested by Adversarial Usurpation (5:31)
2. Sinistral Qlipho[tech] Mechanolatry / Exterminate the Tetragrammaton (4:56)
3. Ordnance for Adamic Holocaust and Cosmocidal Entropy (3:30)
4. Diabological Mutagenesis Eradicating the Magian Bloodlines (3:36)
5. Qabalistic Matrix Parasitism by Extra[daemon]sional Omnimalevolence (4:07)
6. Nihiliferian Theophagism / Dysefirotic Atrocities Cull the Demiurge's Progeny (3:42)
7. Cryptomagickal Esoterrorism Targeting All Archontic Deifications (4:38)
8. Khao-Psionic Merkabah Fragmentation and Godhead Simulation Decay / Revelation of the Pandaemonic Godhead (6:44)
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