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TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresStoner Metal, Doom Metal
LabelsRise Above Records
Ranked#12 for 2000 , #476 all-time
Reviews :  2
Comments :  24
Total votes :  26
Rating :  91.1 / 100
Have :  9
Want : 6
Added by level 21 Zyklus
Last modified by level 21 Eagles
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Electric Wizard - Dopethrone CD Photo by Evil DeadElectric Wizard - Dopethrone CD Photo by Fly
Dopethrone Information

Track listing (Songs)


Line-up (members)

  • Jus Oborn : Guitars/Vocals
  • Tim Bagshaw : Bass
  • Mark Greening : Drums
Was released with two different sets of cover art.
Re-issued in 2006 by Rise Above with the bonus track "Mind Transferral" (14:56). This track was also a bonus in a previous Japanese edition of the album.

Dopethrone Reviews

Reviewer :  level 12   55/100
Date : 
Dopethrone is an odd one for me. I’ve never been a fan of Stoner “Doom” (most of which is not really doomy at all, but just slow and heavy Stoner Metal) and I hate the fact that a bunch of the most revered “Doom” albums and bands fall into this category of not really being Doom, but either Stoner + Trad Doom or Stoner + Drone stuck with the misnomer.

The thing that makes Doom what it is isn’t simply being slow or heavy. It’s a focus on mood and atmosphere, ranging between dark and misanthropic to depressive, melancholic, and lonely. Always the goal is to evoke some sort of emotional response on the listener, to manipulate their mood using the darker, more painful human emotions.

Stoner “Doom” rarely does this. It’s not focused on mood and certainly not emotionally evocative. In contrast, it’s some of the least emotional music out there, being groovy, chill and drugged out. To some extent it relies on the already altered state of the listener (via drugs etc), whereas true Doom seeks to actively alter the listener’s emotions with music, lyrics and so on. Most of the lyrics in Stoner “Doom” are silly, surreal, and of course, psychedelic and hedonistic. Despite the sluggishness and lethargy, actual Doom is an ACTIVE genre whereas Stoner is a PASSIVE genre.

Electric Wizard are one of the top bands in that game. Their first two albums are exactly what I detest in the genre, with sophomore effort “Come My Fanatics…” being one of the worst
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Reviewer :  level 2   100/100
Date : 
The album art looks like Adam Sandler's character Little Nicky at a slightly older age, but with a fully grown out beard and noticable horns, while smoking a bong. Album art is funny, but the biggest draw for me to this was "Weird Tales / Electric Frost / Golgotha / Altar of Melektaus". I was high as dinosaur tits hearing that song that I felt I was in a hypnotic state. "Dopethrone" can also be hypnotic for a bit halfway in but for the right reasons. It stimulates the brain while listening to the Dopethrone album as a whole.

Perhaps the metal version of "Zombie" by the Cranberries had some influence on "We Hate You"? Its close to Halloween in my area radiowise so don't judge me on this part. Otherwise, I love how chill this album is.

"I The Witchfinder" has that truly slow pace to it that would make you wonder if the guitars are also high. Everything feels rightfully distorted and slowed down to feel like you're in a psychedelic trip.

Now that I hear "Barbarian" I hear the variety that Electric Wizard has to offer in this album. The vocals here sound at least five years ahead of it's time considering this would be normal for The Black Keys to do about one decade later.

"Vinum Sabbathi" has a bit of a Reggae-like intro going on in it's percussions which is great for those expecting that kind of percussions in Stoner Metal. It's like smooth segwaying from one genre to another!

Overall, this is a great stoner metal album. Ironically the first time I heard anything
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Dopethrone Comments

level 2   100/100
인간이 만들었다 믿기 어려운 하나의 거대한 주술
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level 10   95/100
사탄이 내린 음악
level 13   85/100
디스토션 페달이 뿜어내는 배음에 지독한 흑마법이 걸려있습니다. 금단의 약초 빨고 안개같은 연기속에서 덩실덩실 몸을 내맡긴듯한 사운드가 어지간합니다. 스토너 계열의 음악이 질질 늘어진다고해서, 결코 그것이 지루함을 의미하는 것이 아님을 증명해내는 수작으로, 마신의 저주를 받아내며 제단을 차리고 의식을 치루는 듯한 불길함 체험을 가능케합니다.
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level   85/100
앞의 곡들에 비해 뒷심이 부족한건 사실이지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 'Stoner' 라는 말에 매우 적합한 앨범이다.
level 9   90/100
담배연기 가득한 방. 거기서 뜨거운 설렁탕을 먹는 기분. 그런 기분이 드는 앨범이었다. ...라고 한다면 괜찮은 묘사일까. 앨범 제목, 커버 아트워크, 사운드가 아주 조화로운...
level 9   95/100
쉽고 반복적인 리프인데 캐치해서 좋다. 전체적인 분위기가 주술적이고 스토너메탈의 교과서라 불리는 이유를 알 것 같다.
level 21   70/100
album "Dopethrone" od anglánov Electric Wizard malo celkom vysoké hodnotenie, tak som očakával naozaj niečo veľké. No opak je pravdou, je to len priemerný Stoner Metal so slabým a málo čitateľným zvukom. A Doom Metal -u je tam naozaj veľmi málo. Existuje kvantum omnoho lepších skupín.
level 8   75/100
이게 무슨기분인지 상상은 해보겠는데요 이게 무슨기분인지 경험해본적이 없으니 이게 무슨 기분인지 몰라서 저는 그냥 계속 가만히 있어야겠네요
level 7   40/100
듣고있으면 토할거같다
level 18   100/100
This album is so fucking heavy and honestly I didn't expect that powerful they are like a mix between old black sabbath and mastodon but the guitars are so amazing this album will be one of my fav albums off all times
level 18   90/100
오래들을수 있는 앨범인것 같다. Funeralopolis~
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone CD Photo by Evil Dead
level 7   90/100
잊고 살다가도 뽕이 다 빠질 때쯤 생각나서 듣게 된다. 아래 코멘트에도 여러 번 언급되었지만 정말 마약같은 앨범...
level 16   90/100
Powerful album with a precious voice-over I'll never forget at the end.
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level 4   95/100
앨범표지 그대로의 음악. 악마가 피우는 마리화나같은 앨범!
level 10   100/100
간혹 어떤 앨범은 예상치 못하게 뇌리에 꽂힌다. 공통점은 뽑아도 자국이 남는다는 것!
level 8   100/100
묵직하고 강하게 쉴새없이 내려찍는 느낌이다. 스토너 메탈이 무엇인지를 제대로 가르쳐주는 교과서과도 같은 명반......
level 13   90/100
Hooked & High
level 19   90/100
이쪽 장르는 그닥 귀가 트이지 않은 편인데, 몇몇 앨범만 간간히 듣고 있다. 그 중 이 앨범은 들어도 들어도 질리지가 않는 이상한 마력같은 게 있다.
level 12   95/100
마약이 따로없다
level 9   100/100
음악도 좋고, 듣기도 쉽고, 질리지도 않고, 완벽 그 자체..
level 10   90/100
음... 좋네요... 5번
level 9   100/100
이런 리프는 대체 어떻게 만드는 것일까. 생각을 하게 만들 정도로 훌륭한 명 리프들의 향연을 둠 메탈의 헤비함에 섞어 내고 있다. 상당한 걸작.
level 3   90/100
주술적인 느낌이 강한 스토너 명반. 2번 트랙은 스토너 둠의 대표곡으로써 손색이 없다.
level 5   90/100
둠/스토너 계열의 명반!
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Electric Wizard Discography

AlbumTypeRelease dateRatingVotesReviews
▶  DopethroneAlbum91.1262
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,970
Reviews : 10,666
Albums : 176,214
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