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Goatlord - Distorted Birth: the Demos

Distorted Birth: the Demos

GenresBlack Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal
LabelsGoat Devotion
Reviews :  1
Comments :  0
Total votes :  1
Rating :  85 / 100
Have :  0       Want : 0
Added by level 14 Schizophrenia
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Goatlord - Distorted Birth: the Demos CD Photo by The DEADGoatlord - Distorted Birth: the Demos CD Photo by 똘복이Goatlord - Distorted Birth: the Demos CD Photo by 똘복이
Distorted Birth: the Demos Information

Track listing (Songs)

Disc 1
1.Voodoo Mass6:55-0
2.Blood Monk5:53-0
3.Chicken Dance4:31-0
4.Twilight Rem10:05-0
5.Underground Church4:30-0
6.Distorted Birth9:15-0
7.Acid Orgy6:00-0
8.Instrumental (0:53) instrumental-0
9.Unholy Black Slut5:32-0
10.The Fog4:03-0
11.Possessed Soldiers of War5:08-0
Disc 2
1.Possessed Mutants of War3:52-0
2.The Fog4:01-0
3.Unholy Black Slut4:02-0
5.Underground Church4:21-0
6.Possessed Soldiers of War5:07-0

Cd 1
· "Sodomize the Goat" '88 demo.

CD 2
· Demo '87 (Tracks 1-4)
· Promo '91 (Tracks 5-6)

Was also released as 3xLPs limited to 500 copies.

Distorted Birth: the Demos Reviews

Reviewer :  level 20   85/100
Date : 
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Goatlord - Distorted Birth: the Demos CD Photo by 똘복이
Goatlord - Distorted Birth: the Demos CD Photo by 똘복이

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