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Dying of Everything

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresDeath Metal
LabelsRelapse Records
FormatCD, Digital, Vinyl, Cassette
Ranked#66 for 2023 , #3,629 all-time
Reviews :  2
Comments :  6
Total votes :  8
Rating :  86.9 / 100
Have :  8
Want : 2
Added by level 11 키위쥬스
Last modified by level 21 Eagles
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Obituary - Dying of Everything CD Photo by MASTODON74Obituary - Dying of Everything Cassette Photo by melodicObituary - Dying of Everything Vinyl Photo by melodicObituary - Dying of Everything CD Photo by grooove
Dying of Everything Information

Track listing (Songs)

Music Video Audio
Music Video
Music Video Audio
Lyric Video

Line-up (members)

  • John Tardy : Vocals
  • Kenny Andrews : Lead Guitar
  • Trevor Peres : Rhythm Guitar
  • Terry Butler : Bass
  • Donald Tardy : Drums

Guest / additional musicians

  • David Austin : Guitar Solo (track 7)

Production staff / artist

  • Obituary : Producer
  • Joe Cincotta : Mixing Engineer
  • Mariusz Lewandowski : Artwork

Dying of Everything Reviews

Reviewer :  level 5   90/100
Date : 
데뷔 초부터 이미 완성된 초강력한 1집에 이어 James Murphy와의 협업으로 인한 강력한 명반을 탄생시키는데.
이 때의 임팩트가 지나치게 강해서 이후 앨범이 욕을 먹는 것이지...오히려 전 앨범이 마스터피스라 해도 모자름이 없었다.

다만 후기는 John Tardy의 vocal이 노쇠해지면서 육중한 톤이 줄어들긴 했지만 스크리밍의 다양한 포트폴리오 편입으로 생명력을 유지하고 있다.

Obituary는 항상 일괄된 사운드와 똑같은 형식의 음악을 해왔기 때문에 너무나 질려서 인기가 줄어들었을 수도 있었으나.
여전히 맞강한 화력을 갖춘 '일진'이다. 전반적으로 늘어지는 곡들을 주로 창조하는 그들은 본인들이 Death Metal 계의 Black Sabbath 가 되고자 이러한 원칙을 고수하는 것이 아닐까 유추해보기도 한다.

이 앨범의 특이점으로 역시나 볼륨범위가 광대한 헤비한 기타리프 안에 잘근잘근 씹히는 톱날같은 엣지가 있는 이팩트를 넣었다는 것이며 여전히 헤비메틀의 위엄을 보이고 있다. John Tardy의 사운드 속에서도 선명하게 부각되는 강력한 vocal 피지컬이 없었다면 이러한 류의 헤비한 기타리프 앨범의 계속적인 양산은 불가능하였을 것이다.

다시 첫줄의 이야기로 돌아가는데 이들의 유일한 단점은..
처음부터 너무 완벽해서... 각 시즌
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Reviewer :  level 16   85/100
Date : 
Major respect is due to Obituary considering how it's almost 40 years and nothing on this album feels forced, and nothing is lazy or awkward either. Very few bands can keep up this level of solid quality and listenable songwriting for 45 minutes straight when they're this old. I get a clear sense that the band and the recording staff all took the album totally seriously while in the studio.

There is a limit to how good the end product gets though. Most melodies are very very simple, and it's Obituary's trademark, but so much simplicity did bring me to Mediocre Town for a few moments. Keeping it simple has brought them a solid fanbase and a discography with no major mistakes, but I also started hearing how their songwriting stays so amazingly far away from taking risks. After all these years, can't they envision doing something just a tiny bit weird and envision it working out well?

While it's also not risk-taking, I really enjoyed the last song going into full-on doom. Well, with those vocals, I guess that makes it death doom but anyway, it was one of the better parts of the album, and the most surprising. After deciding on my score, I watched a couple of reviews, and the consensus is that the self titled album is a tiny bit better than this one, so I really look forward to listening to that one some time. For now I'll say that Dying of Everything is for me a little more enjoyable than the legendary Cause of Death.

Not to say it in a way that insults the band, but th
... See More

Dying of Everything Comments

level 8   95/100
What an incredible thing
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level 16   85/100
항상 단순한 문법에 올드한 분위기라 심심할 수도 있지만, '평양냉면도 명인 쉐프가 만들면 특별한거 아니겠나?' 싶은 기분으로 곰씹으면서 듣게 된다. 특유의 그루브와 이해하기 쉬운 심플함은 언제나 환영이지만, 거기서 뭔가 하나만 더 보여주면 얼마나 끝내줄까?싶은 생각은 다른 앨범과 마찬가지로 여기서도 든다.
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level 6   85/100
Nice Album.
level 19   90/100
It's amazing how they've kept the same style & aggression after all of these years. But the only negative was is John's vocals , it wasn't bad but there is a common wisdom in my country to describe what I mean, which is (age has provisions, and no matter how much it is given, it cannot be given as it was at its beginning)
level 12   85/100
New Obituary's album "Dying of Everything" is decent Old school Death Metal with great riffs, interesting songwriting and their easily recognizable own sound that s not overproduced. They focused more onto some mid-tempo tracks, however, they occasionally perform songs in a fast and energetic tempo that testifies them best.
level 21   80/100
novinka od "Obituary - Dying of Everything" má podarený obal a taktiež aj hudbu. Kapela je ľahko rozpoznateľná, pričom hudba je prevažne tradičný Death Metal s prvkami Thrash -u. Album má podarený zvuk, gitarové riffy sú silné, rytmika vhodne dopĺňa riffy a growling Tardy -ho je už taktiež známy, aj keď možno málo variabilný. Jedinou malou nevýhodou je občas podobnosť piesní.
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Obituary Discography

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▶  Dying of EverythingAlbum86.982
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Artists : 49,293
Reviews : 10,753
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