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The Best Metal Albums of 2018

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20222021202020192018  (216 albums)2017201620152014
Rank Cover art Artist / Album Release date Rating Votes Reviews
51Metal Church - Damned If You Do9150
52Sulphur Aeon - The Scythe of Cosmic Chaos88.882
53Parkway Drive - Reverence9060
54Gama Bomb - Speed Between the Lines9060
55Zeal and Ardor - Stranger Fruit89.371
56Voivod - The Wake87.890
57Lords of Black - Icons of the New Days91.340
58Omnium Gatherum - The Burning Cold83260
59Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light88.670
60Redemption - Long Night's Journey Into Day88.670
61Alice in Chains - Rainier Fog9050
62Shining - X - Varg Utan Flock89.260
63Kamelot - The Shadow Theory82.6271
64YOB - Our Raw Heart91.730
65Cultes des Ghoules - Sinister, Or Treading the Darker Paths91.730
66Stillbirth - Annihilation of Mankind91.730
67Heir Apparent - The View From Below91.731
68Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom - Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom Part 287.970
69Thousand Eyes - Day of Salvation86.790
70The Ocean Collective - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic86.790
71A Perfect Circle - Eat the Elephant84.6140
72Infernal Coil - Within a World Forgotten9040
73Sojourner - The Shadowed Road8950
74Tribulation - Down Below84.2140
75Fecundation - Decomposition of Existence87.560
76Eternity's End - Unyielding87.560
77Mors Subita - Into the Pitch Black8850
78Behemoth - I Loved You at Your Darkest82.7173
79Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath88.840
80Nekrogoblikon - Welcome to Bonkers88.840
81Craft - White Noise and Black Metal88.840
82Madmans Esprit - 무의식의 의식화 (Conscientization of Unconsciousness)88.840
83Monstrosity - The Passage of Existence9030
84Brainstorm - Midnight Ghost9030
85Amon Amarth - The Pursuit of Vikings: 25 Years in the Eye of the Storm9030
86Labÿrinth - Return to Live9030
87goathammer - Ceremony of Morbid Destruction9031
88Путь - Песни смерти9030
89Primal Fear - Apocalypse84.4100
90Deicide - Overtures of Blasphemy83.5120
91Fatuous Rump - Disposing Slobs of Corporal Fatberg8581
92Nozomu Wakai's Destinia - Metal Souls8750
93Riverside - Wasteland8751
94Horrendous - Idol8751
951914 - The Blind Leading the Blind8750
96Dragonlord - Dominion87.540
97Soulfly - Ritual8571
98Royal Hunt - Cast in Stone84.480
99Obscura - Diluvium83.1100
100Avatar - Avatar Country88.330
1 2 3 4 5
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Artists : 48,971
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