[공연 정보] EYEHATEGOD 내한공연 2019

슬럿지 둠메탈의 아버지 EYEHATEGOD
데뷔 32년 첫 내한공연
Leper Temple | Gawthrop | 봉천동⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
예매 45,000원 / 현매 55,000원
구글폼 - https://forms.gle/tiMiTZMscJdcN3Ns9
예매 방법.
우리은행 1002-835-179096 GBN
계좌로 입금 후 성함/수량 문자나 카톡으로 남겨주시면
확인 후 답변 드리겠습니다
공연 당일 선착순 입장이고
조기 매진시 현장 구매는 진행하지 않습니다
After 32 years, New Orleans sludge metal legends make their live debut in Korea.
Advance: 45,000w
Day of: 55,000w
(no on-site purchase when sold out)
After making your deposit, please leave your name and ticket quantity via text or kakao. We will reply immediately. Tickets are on a first come first served basis. In the likelihood of the show selling out beforehand, there will be no tickets sold on-site. Thank you very much.
Contacts / Info.
gbnlivehouse (카톡플러스)
Down To Earth Motherfucken
Post Amplification Blues @eyehategodnola
#eyehategodasiatour #eyehategod #gbnlivehouse #내한공연 #아이헤이트갓 #오마이갓#gawthrop #lepertemple #thebongcheondong
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▶ [공연 정보] EYEHATEGOD 내한공연 2019 

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