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Name :  level 10 English Syntax
Date :  2019-06-20 20:48
Hits :  4504

매력적인 목소리의 프록메탈 한곡 추천드립니다

음악을 검색하게되던중 알게 된 밴드입니다.

밴드명은 Arch/Matheos 이며 미국밴드입니다.
1번 트랙부터 추천드리며 갑니다.

목소리가 너무 매력적이라 중독성있게 계속 생각나더라구요.
특히 후렴구 음색이 정말 마음에듭니다.

사운드도 잘 뽑아내서 만족하시리라 생각합니다.
Arch/Matheos - Vermillion moons (주홍색에 가까운 적색의 달)

You and I drifting under shifting tides
Keep holding on to tomorrow, we'll see the sunrise
You and I till the end of all our days
Still here we are alive and well and we're waiting
Under vermilion moons

Twisted roots blind their souls to the heavens
The hands of fate keep one foot in the grave
Blood red skies are bleeding from tired eyes
Fire and brimstone a world set ablaze
High on a hill below the here and the after
Self anointed preaching to the choir
Exultations and armies of rapture
It's heaven or hell, tell me who is your master

And they bow and they pray, they confess
The mortals chasing angels
Fly to the ends of the afterworld
Faithful eyes held to the skies
And still they wait for you

The ghosts of the prophets buried under cathedrals
Vaulted spires erect to Elysium
Gilded are the tongues and the Ark of the Covenant
The Dead Sea Scrolls and for whom the bell tolls
Riding through the night like rolling thunder
Revelations 634
Blind architects foresee Armageddon
It's the end of all days, divinely mandated genocide

And they bow and they pray, they confess
The mortals chasing angels
Fly to the ends of the afterworld
Faithful eyes held to the skies
Still they wait for you

While you and I drifting on the shifting tides
Keep holding to tomorrow, we'll see the sunrise
You and I till the end of all our days
Still here we are alive and well under vermilion moons

Don't look away, don't ever
Imagination's innocence in this world won't last forever
Eyes wander from the cradle of wonder
Awakes from a restless slumber
Through a widow to the heavens
Twilight to a dream

Dreaming dreams before remembrance
Wondering what holds up the sky
Mother she embrace eternal, singing lullabies
Slipping through little hands like painted butterflies
Trying to catch the memories before they fly away
Everything we are, foreshadowed and disguised
Wistfully foreboding winter, innocence slowly dies
Tracing outlines in the sands of yesterday
Weary eyes look to the sky and wonder

Beautiful simplicity dissolved with every written word
Ethereal the sound of silence that we're never heard
The clay feet of the gods immortalized by every mortal hand
Connate flaws send stone and mortar rumbling to the ground
No stone we've left unturned reveals what we could never be
Questions posed reveal more questions in deep seas of mystery
It's raining down illusions, drowning thunderous empty souls
It's raining but we're dying, raining and we're dying

And they bow and they pray, they confess
The mortals chasing angels
Fly to the ends of the afterworld
How long, how long must they wait for you?

While you and I drifting on the shifting tides
Keep holding to tomorrow, we'll see the sunrise
You and I till the end of all our days
Still here we are alive and well under vermilion moons

The ghosts of the prophets buried under cathedrals
Testify, will you testify, testify
Rolling through the night like rolling thunder
Testify, will you testify, testify
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level 14 b1tc0!nguЯu     2019-06-20 21:08
오리지널 페이츠워닝의 주축이었던 2인의 프로젝트군요. 요새 반응이 뜨거운거같습니다.
level 10 English Syntax     2019-06-20 21:32
알려주셔서 이 밴드의 근원을 알게되었네요. 감사합니다..^^
level 13 냐호     2019-06-20 23:40
존아치 보컬 대단하죠
level 10 English Syntax
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악의꽃 2025-03-06 15:52
바벨과 더블어 "Stranger"의 "Stranger"가 최고의 곡 중 하나라고 생각^^
똘복이 2025-03-06 15:33
바벨탑의 전설 솔로... 진짜 풀피킹에 태핑에 마지막 스윕 피킹 마무리까지... 명곡이죠 ㅠㅠ
앤더스 2025-03-03 17:37
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse 진짜 미친 앨범이로군요!!
차무결 2025-03-01 16:00
7년만에 헤븐 쉘번 듣다
악의꽃 2025-03-01 00:51
블랙홀"바벨탑의 전설" 리프와 멜로디 전개 언제 들어도 소름.
고어맨 2025-02-24 21:43
Revenge 대체 가능 워메탈 공연 3월22일 Abysmal Lord / Caveman Cult 내한 있습니다.... 굽신...
앤더스 2025-02-24 20:50
Revenge 듣고 이 성님들은 인간이길 포기하신것 같다는 생각을 했습니다. ㄷㄷ
서태지 2025-02-24 18:32
Revenge 음악 꽉 막힌 머리를 뙇 뚫어주네요 너무 좋습니다 lml Infiltration.Downfall.Death
metalnrock 2025-02-15 00:48
그냥 기다리시면 재가입안하셔도 되었는데 ㅠㅠ
AlternativeMetal 2025-02-14 18:58
사이트의 인증서가 정상화 되었네요! 이제 주소창 https에 빨간 글씨가 안 뜹니다!