11월에도 달립니다2
그제 FAP에서 주문한 시디들이 금요일날 퇴근 할 무렵 도착!
좌측 상단부터 순서대로..
1. NOCTURNAL AMENTIA (UKR) / UNDERDARK (UKR) - Somnambula & Obscurantísm
2.NOCTURNAL AMENTIA - Hec Regnum Meum Est
3.Sad (Greece) - Devouring the Divine
4,LICURGO (Esp) - Flames
5.Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Strange Rites of Evil
6.Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Feretri
7.Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Blasphema Secta (Digi)
8. LYKAIONAS (Greece) - Luciferian Fullmoon Necromancy
9.GRIFFON (France) – Har HaKarmel
10.Asphodelus (Finand) - Stygian Dreams
11.Ekpyrosis (Italy) - Primordial Chaos Restored
12.Evil Spirit (Germany) -Cauldron Messiah
13.Unaussprechlichen Kulten (Chile) - Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath
14.Root (Czechia) - Madness of the Graves
14.Galope Mortal / Thrashera
좌측 상단부터 순서대로..
1. NOCTURNAL AMENTIA (UKR) / UNDERDARK (UKR) - Somnambula & Obscurantísm
2.NOCTURNAL AMENTIA - Hec Regnum Meum Est
3.Sad (Greece) - Devouring the Divine
4,LICURGO (Esp) - Flames
5.Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Strange Rites of Evil
6.Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Feretri
7.Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Blasphema Secta (Digi)
8. LYKAIONAS (Greece) - Luciferian Fullmoon Necromancy
9.GRIFFON (France) – Har HaKarmel
10.Asphodelus (Finand) - Stygian Dreams
11.Ekpyrosis (Italy) - Primordial Chaos Restored
12.Evil Spirit (Germany) -Cauldron Messiah
13.Unaussprechlichen Kulten (Chile) - Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath
14.Root (Czechia) - Madness of the Graves
14.Galope Mortal / Thrashera

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