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175,892 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Before Days of Humanity - On the Origin water
0level 12 goremonkey
Naglet - Full of Grace and Truth
0level 16 Coleiosis
Nefast MCMLXXIX - Ad Infernum, Somnia
0level 16 MasterChef
Genorbit - Atrocities Beyond Asymptotic Giant Branch
0level 16 Coleiosis
Mortuary Ghoul - Coffin Birth

0level 16 Coleiosis
Nuclear Remains - Radioactive DecompositionVideos (1)
0level 14 Metal Addiction
Seeping Protoplasm - Profound Torment
0level 17 MKContributor
Ašarma - No pasarán!
0level 18 Krindern
À Terre - Traversée

0level 18 Krindern
Nadja - BSP Live Series: 2021-09-04 Kharkiv
0level 16 Coleiosis
Dramanduhr - Ixtratarrastràh
Videos (1)
0level 1 FalcePress
Zaias - Abysmal Divinity
0level 19 Theo
Divinitist - Imitator ov Deities in False Genesis
0level 16 Coleiosis
Demoted - Bounded to a Mortal Life
0level 16 Coleiosis
Lolth - Yochlol
Lyrics (1)
0level 17 MKContributor
Stac Pollaidh - Take Me and Kill Me
0level 18 Krindern
Until Death Overtakes Me - Collapse of Light
0level 21 Zyklus
Maxime Even - The Rite
901level 16 Cosmicism
HammerFall - Hammer of DawnLyrics (10)
Videos (6)

81.38level 11 키위쥬스
Blood Incantation - Timewave Zero
475level 19 Mefisto
Allegaeon - DamnunLyrics (12)
Videos (7)

87.512level Rhuhongsam
Shape of Despair - Return to the VoidLyrics (6)
902level 21 Zyklus
Wormed / Copremesis - Wormed / Copremesis
0level 21 차무결
Serious Black - Vengeance Is MineLyrics (1)
Videos (3)

851level 21 Eagles
Iotunn - Access All Worlds - An Acoustic Voyage
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Embryonic Devourment - Heresy of the Highest OrderLyrics (1)
802level 21 차무결
Gutrectomy - Manifestation of Human SufferingVideos (13)
951level 9 havanutha
Deathhammer - Electric Warfare
0level 18 The DEAD
Left to Suffer - Overwhelming Power
0level 9 havanutha
Bad Omens - The Death of Peace of MindLyrics (15)
Videos (12)

0level 6 Eeeeeeeee
Spirit Adrift - Hollow

0level 16 Coleiosis
Uz:ME - Searchlight
Videos (1)
1001level 19 Theo
Fossilization / Ritual Necromancy - Ritual Necromancy / Fossilization
0level 16 Coleiosis
Deathbell - A Nocturnal CrossingVideos (2)
901level 5 Anon-kun
Lambda - Vere Modus
901level 16 Cosmicism
Ceremonial Castings - 1996

0level 21 Zyklus
Diablo - When All the Rivers Are Silent
0level 8 Tapas
Corpsegrinder - Corpsegrinder
702level 19 Mefisto
Malum Mortuus - Ashes of the Traitor's Cross
801level 18 Krindern
Copse - Mara | Mondrem
0level 19 Theo
Tyranny Enthroned - The Infernal Summoning
651level 18 Krindern
Tragedy of Mine - Aeon
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Morgoth Belegurth - Origen DesconocidoVideos (1)
0level 2 MorgothBelegurth
Warmblood - Master of the Dead
0level 18 Evil Dead
Swarm Chain - Looming Darkness
0level 18 Evil Dead
Darkness Everywhere - The Seventh Circle
0level 7 Gothenburg
Soliloquium - SoulsearchingLyrics (7)
0level 14 Metal Addiction
Trend Kill Ghosts - Until the Sun Rise Again
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Cobra the Impaler - Colossal Gods
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Maul - Transmissions from the Swamp Cosmos
0level 16 Coleiosis
Info / Statistics
Artists : 48,999
Reviews : 10,674
Albums : 176,357
Lyrics : 218,999