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176,235 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Pungent Stench - First Recordings

0level 21 grooove
Susperia - The Lyricist
0level 15 FiiO
Enterprise Earth - Only Hell Will Embrace the DamnedVideos (1)
0level 6 Horizons
Stone Temple Pilots - Stone Temple PilotsLyrics (12)
Videos (12)

0level 6 JKMetal
Black Wizard - Livin' Oblivion
901level 18 Evil Dead
Monotheist - ScourgeLyrics (6)
0level DeepCold
Praselizer - Praselizer

0level 18 휘루
Alone with R Kelly - Thomas the Trans Engine
651level 18 휘루
Hiidenhauta - 1695Lyrics (9)
0level 21 Eagles
Gravehill - The Unchaste, The Profane, & The Wicked
0level 16 Coleiosis
Dem - Slaughtered in the Name of Satan
0level 19 Theo
Beyond Flesh - Unearthing the SentienceLyrics (11)
0level 19 Theo
Gormanudr / Lampir - Gormanudr / Lampir
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Triumph, Genus - Na kom je nyní tolik z mojí vůle?
0level 16 MasterChef
Ordem Satânica - Demónios dos primeiros mundos
0level 16 MasterChef
Vorágine - -Aquelarre-
0level 19 Theo
Pestilent Reign - Pyres
0level 21 차무결
Veiled - Black Celestial Orbs
801level 16 MasterChef
Meltdown - From This Day to the Grave
0level 21 Eagles
Violent Definition - Life Sentence
0level 21 grooove
Velvet Viper - Respice Finem
0level 21 Eagles
Greyhaven - Empty BlackLyrics (10)
0level 21 Eagles
Pain City - When Life Gets You
0level 21 Eagles
Cult of Endtime - Cult of Endtime
0level 21 grooove
Angelic Forces - Angelic ForcesLyrics (1)
0level 16 Coleiosis
Miss Fortune - The Hype You Stole
0level 8 Poysky**
Venin - La morsure du temps
0level 21 Eagles
Cryptic Brood - Inevitable Death
0level 6 Blasphemy
Existential Dissipation - Heinous MalformationsLyrics (1)
0level 21 차무결
Witchtrip - Cosmic Cauldron
0level 18 Krindern
Dethrone the Corrupted - Darkwork

0level 16 Coleiosis
Dorothy - 28 Days in the Valley
0level 13 AlternativeMetal
Hypnotheticall - Synchreality
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Earthless - Black Heaven
0level 21 grooove
Dautha - Brethren of the Black Soil
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Sojourner - The Shadowed RoadLyrics (7)
895level 5 Anon-kun
Dream On, Dreamer - Let It In

0level 9 MetalMusic
Rites of thy Degringolade - The Blade Philosophical
0level 21 Eagles
Eternal Alchemist - Invocation of the Black Flames
0level 19 Theo
Formalist - No One Will Shine Anymore
0level 19 Theo
Thirst of Revenge - Sinner
0level 21 차무결
Divine Intervention - Liminal

0level 15 FiiO
Kvaathan - La fureur des dieux / Monarch of the Dark Sovereignty
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Arachnoid Membrane - The Essential Dissection
0level 21 차무결
Godthrymm - A Grand Reclamation
0level 14 Kahuna
Maggot Farm - Intoxicated Rejects
0level 18 Krindern
Caustic Wound - Grinding Terror
0level 21 Eagles
Sabbat / Krigere Wolf - E.C.A. (Extermination Cult Alliance)
801level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Extermination Dismemberment - Omnivore

0level 21 차무결
Lamentum - Lamentum

951level 15 모흐
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,099
Reviews : 10,709
Albums : 176,686
Lyrics : 219,007