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176,369 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Offal - HorrorfiendLyrics (9)
0level 17 MKContributor
Seraphim Defloration - Promo 2015

0level 19 Theo
Totten Korps - Supreme Commanders of Darkness
851level 10 Illudead
Hellyum - Fantaziare
0level 19 Theo
Vorna - Ei valo minua seuraa
0level 9 --Yu--
D.E.R. - Otomanos

0level 19 Theo
Night Viper - Night ViperLyrics (9)
0level 21 Eagles
Headless Crown - Time for Revolution
0level 21 Eagles
Antipeewee - Madness Unleashed
0level 21 Eagles
Coffin Curse - Into the Dark
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard - Noeth ac Anoeth
0level 21 Eagles
An Ocean of Void - The Great Escape
0level 11 respinmusic
Lordis - Thin Line

0level 버닝앤젤
Todestriebe - Vicarius Filii Dei
0level 21 Eagles
Mean Bomb - Total Monitoring
0level 19 Krindern
Messgram - Patterns

801level 15 FiiO
Decrepit Artery - Mamindubeldur

751level 18 휘루
In Your Face - Break the SpecterLyrics (4)
0level 15 FiiO
Stiriah - Night Falls
0level 21 Zyklus
Parasite - They're All Gonnalaugh at You
801level 18 휘루
Kvltist - CatechesisLyrics (7)
951level 20 서태지
Kadar - Essence
0level 19 Theo
Lug - moon

0level 19 Theo
Ancestors Blood / Heervader - Heervader / Ancestors Blood
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Iniquitous Monolith - Iniquitous Monolith
0level 21 Zyklus
Putrid Corpse - Sickening Disembowelment
0level 16 Coleiosis
Holocaust - Predator
0level 21 Eagles
Aldious - Radiant A
901level 15 FiiO
Cornigr - Funereal Harvest
901level 20 서태지
Does It Escape Again - meniscus
0level 19 Theo
Yuri Gagarin - At the Center of All Infinity
0level 19 Theo
Khthoniik Cerviiks - SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia)
0level 10 Illudead
The Horn - Volume Fourteen
0level 21 Eagles
Ulfrinn - III: Isolation Hymns
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Dextrology - Promo 2015

0level 21 차무결
Wickeds End - Theories of Lies

0level 16 Coleiosis
Crimson Cry - Waiting for Tomorrow
0level 19 쓰레숄드
no image
802level 19 Theo
Howling in the Fog - DreamsLyrics (8)
901level 20 서태지
Reincarnation - The Beginning of the End
0level 17 MKContributor
Bong Of Cthulhu - Bong of Cthulhu
901level 19 Theo
Serotonin Leakage - Intracellular Degeneration of the Integrity of the Vascular Wall
0level 18 휘루
Goatblood - Supremacía de Satanas
0level I.S.K.H.
Devangelic - Deprecating the ScripturesLyrics (4)
0level 15 FiiO
Warbell - Havoc
0level 1 Warbell
Stielas Storhett - Drownwards
751level 19 Krindern
Prosatanos - Quindecim Annalis Basis

0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Loneliness over Schizophrenic Trauma - Loneliness over Schizophrenic Trauma
0level 19 Theo
Moon of Silence - Destruccion del Mundo
0level 19 Theo
Black Grail - Nigrum Nigrius Nigro
0level 15 모흐
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,146
Reviews : 10,719
Albums : 176,799
Lyrics : 219,049