Symbolic Review
July 27, 2024
Man this album is sooo good, its so catchy while being really complex and constantly changing.
Track 1: Symbolic
The part after the first chorus is my favourite bit. I love the "savor what you feel and what you see" bit too, it has such urgency.
Track 2: Zero Tolerance
I love the chorus and the instrumental at the 2 min mark. I feel the verses aren't the strongest though.
Track 3: Empty Words
This song has my favourite chorus on the album, the guitar is so dramatic. I love all the riffs, all the verses and the fade out at the end is beautiful. One of my favourites on the album.
Track 4: Sacred Serenity
A real groovy track that has some incredible flow. Like many other songs on this album, my favourite part of this song is the mddle instrumental.
Track 5: 1000 Eyes
Man I love the change of the riff into the "to the left and to right right" part. As usual the middle part of the song also stands out a lot. The "We are enslaved now" line to finish the track off is just perfect.
Track 6: Without Judgement
The opening line to this song hits so hard. Some really interesting lyrics on this track, the same could be said for the rest of the album too. The drums also stand out for me on this one.
Track 7: Crystal Mountain
It's so catchy, every part stands out. My favourite part, is again the middle part of the song. I also love the acoustic guitar at the end of the song, it's so beautiful.
Track 8: Misanthrope
The chorus is very strong. I also really like the pacing of this song.
Track 9: Perennial Quest
At 8 mins long, this song really does feel like you are going on some kind of quest. The nice acoustic ending is a lovely way to finish the album, you can really take time to think about the journey you have been through.
Track 1: Symbolic
The part after the first chorus is my favourite bit. I love the "savor what you feel and what you see" bit too, it has such urgency.
Track 2: Zero Tolerance
I love the chorus and the instrumental at the 2 min mark. I feel the verses aren't the strongest though.
Track 3: Empty Words
This song has my favourite chorus on the album, the guitar is so dramatic. I love all the riffs, all the verses and the fade out at the end is beautiful. One of my favourites on the album.
Track 4: Sacred Serenity
A real groovy track that has some incredible flow. Like many other songs on this album, my favourite part of this song is the mddle instrumental.
Track 5: 1000 Eyes
Man I love the change of the riff into the "to the left and to right right" part. As usual the middle part of the song also stands out a lot. The "We are enslaved now" line to finish the track off is just perfect.
Track 6: Without Judgement
The opening line to this song hits so hard. Some really interesting lyrics on this track, the same could be said for the rest of the album too. The drums also stand out for me on this one.
Track 7: Crystal Mountain
It's so catchy, every part stands out. My favourite part, is again the middle part of the song. I also love the acoustic guitar at the end of the song, it's so beautiful.
Track 8: Misanthrope
The chorus is very strong. I also really like the pacing of this song.
Track 9: Perennial Quest
At 8 mins long, this song really does feel like you are going on some kind of quest. The nice acoustic ending is a lovely way to finish the album, you can really take time to think about the journey you have been through.

Track listing (Songs)
title | rating | votes | video | ||
1. | Symbolic | 6:33 | 97.1 | 41 | Audio |
2. | Zero Tolerance | 4:49 | 94.8 | 33 | Audio |
3. | Empty Words | 6:22 | 95.4 | 30 | Audio |
4. | Sacred Serenity | 4:27 | 92.4 | 29 | Audio |
5. | 1,000 Eyes | 4:29 | 95.4 | 30 | Audio |
6. | Without Judgement | 5:28 | 94.6 | 30 | Audio |
7. | Crystal Mountain | 5:07 | 97.1 | 39 | Audio |
8. | Misanthrope | 5:04 | 91.3 | 28 | Audio |
9. | Perennial Quest | 8:19 | 92.8 | 27 | Audio |
Line-up (members)
- Chuck Schuldiner : Vocals, Guitars, Lyrics, Music
- Bobby Koelble : Guitars
- Kelly Conlon : Bass
- Gene Hoglan : Drums
1 reviews
Symbolic Review (1995)

Aug 27, 2018 Likes : 19
태초에 데스가 있었다.
얘네는 불세출의 천재 척 슐디나를 중심으로
전미 방방곡곡의 재야메틀고수들이
플로리다의 오렌지밭 아래 모여 만든 대단한 밴드이다.
그들의 음악은 겁나 흉폭하고 무서워 사람들이 따로 장르를 만들기에 이르렀고
그것이 바로 '데스' 메탈이다!
--... Read More
Symbolic Review (1995)

Jul 29, 2010 Likes : 12
["Death 후기"를 대변하는 명작, "Symbolic"]
전기의 음악과 후기의 음악이 확연하게 차이나는 대표적인 밴드중 하나가 바로 이 'Death'라는 밴드입니다. 전기엔 질주감이 충만한 사운드를 바탕으로 직선적인 악곡을 주로 선보였던 Death는 "Human"을 경계로, 많은 감정을 내포하는 듯한 무게감 있으... Read More
Symbolic Review (1995)

Oct 8, 2010 Likes : 10
천재 Chuck Schuldiner가 주도했던 그룹으로 유명한 명밴드 Death는 밴드의 이름을 그대로 딴 장르 Death Metal의 원형을 창안한 선구자로 널리 알려져 있다. 그러나 이들이 기존의 Thrash Metal보다 더 과격하고 사나운 사운드를 구사했던 시기는 의외로 짧다. 이들의 일대기, 디스코그라피를 잘 살펴보... Read More
Human Review (1991)

Oct 28, 2019 Likes : 8
솔직히 내가 쓰는 글들이 전부 100점 주는것으로 보여도 몇몇 앨범은 합당하게 100점 미만으로 주었다. 또한 70점 이하 코멘트도 합당하게 썼으면 좋아요를 눌렀다.
뭐 사족으로 서론을 시작하고 실격처리인 위에 있는 자들의 수작질로 멤버들간의 불화가 이어져서 크리에이터와의 합동투... Read More
Leprosy Review (1988)

Oct 20, 2019 Likes : 7
데스 메탈의 대부로 오르고 이 세계에서 엄청난 파장과 데스 메탈의 70%를 완성한 갓띵반중의 갓띵반 2집이다. 이 갓띵반중의 갓띵반은 모든 트랙이 DEATH TRACK이다.
1번부터 죽음의 폭풍이 뭔지 잘 보여주며 이 앨범만의 그로울링보컬은 개쩔었으며 4,5,6번 트랙은 어릴적 형이 돌아갔을때... Read More

Jun 16, 2020 Likes : 6
Scream Bloody Gore is most likely (depending on who you ask and how strict you’re being) the first true Death Metal record, and by that I mean it’s not Death and Thrash like Seven Churches or Blackened Death Thrash like Morbid Visions. Absolutely there are still Thrash influences, but this is primarily a Death Metal record and could not be argued otherwise.
Amazingly for... Read More
Human Review (1991)

Sep 30, 2019 Likes : 5
데스메탈의 전설 데스를 듣는 이유라면 나는
일단 첫번째로 꿀꿀이 보컬이 아니라서이다 물론 니도 꿀꿀이
보칼 좋아하나 너무 자주들으면 별로인건 사실이다
근데 데스는 그로울링이긴한데 발음도 정확하고 스크리밍도
들어있다. 그런 것이 나에 귀를 아주 즐겁게해주는 가장 큰요인... Read More
Leprosy Review (1988)

Apr 16, 2010 Likes : 5
<데스메탈계의 대부 자리로의 아주 큰 한걸음>
Leprosy...문둥병,나병,한센병 등 수많은 이름을 달고 있고, 커버에 실린 그림에서 볼수 있듯이 굉장히 무서운 병중 하나이죠. 가사해석을 제대로 해보지 않아 정확하게는 모르지만, 앨범에 대한 이러한 명명은 여전히 초기 Mantas 시절부터 ... Read More
Leprosy Review (1988)

Aug 16, 2020 Likes : 4
Death’s debut album was a very traditional and straightforward Death Metal release. There’s absolutely no shame in that, and since it was one of the first Death Metal albums ever, it was innovative despite being as straightforward as Death Metal goes. However, Chuck upped the ante on their sophomore Leprosy by adding a good amount of technicality and progressive elements to... Read More