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Username B04Core   (number: 26758)
Name (Nick) B04Core
Average of Ratings 82.5  (10 albums)   [ Rating detail ]
Join Date August 23, 2024 18:10 Last Login August 23, 2024 18:10
Point 440 Posts / Comments 0 / 10
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Country France Gender / Birth year
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Albums added by B04Core
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Album reviews written by B04Core
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Around the Fur preview  Deftones preview  Around the Fur (1997) 90/100    Aug 23, 2024
My Favorite Deftones album
1 like
Adrenaline preview  Deftones preview  Adrenaline (1995) 80/100    Aug 23, 2024
The first, not my favorite
Iowa preview  Slipknot preview  Iowa (2001) 90/100    Aug 23, 2024
IOWA is the best Slipknot album !
All Hope Is Gone preview  Slipknot preview  All Hope Is Gone (2008) 75/100    Aug 23, 2024
Decent album with great songs
.5: The Gray Chapter preview  Slipknot preview  .5: The Gray Chapter (2014) 75/100    Aug 23, 2024
Some good songs but not really a great album for a band like Slipknot.
We Are Not Your Kind preview  Slipknot preview  We Are Not Your Kind (2019) 80/100    Aug 23, 2024
Good album
The End, So Far preview  Slipknot preview  The End, So Far (2022) 75/100    Aug 23, 2024
Kind of disapppointed by this album...
Slipknot preview  Slipknot preview  Slipknot (1999) 90/100    Aug 23, 2024
Great album !
The Great Collapse preview  Fit for an Autopsy preview  The Great Collapse (2017) 80/100    Aug 23, 2024
Less good than 'Absolute Hope, Absolute Hell" but still good deathcore. Classy !
Absolute Hope, Absolute Hell preview  Fit for an Autopsy preview  Absolute Hope, Absolute Hell (2015) 90/100    Aug 23, 2024
A very good deathcore album.
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