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The Best Metal Albums of 2021

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20252024202320222021  (184 albums)2020201920182017
Rank Cover art Artist / Album Release date Rating Votes Reviews
51Ophidian I - Desolate88.1101
52Bloodbound - Creatures of the Dark Realm88.390
53Seth - La Morsure du Christ89.370
54Eldritch - EOS89.370
55Leprous - Aphelion87.5100
56Evil - Possessed by Evil87.890
57Jinjer - Wallflowers91.342
58Iron Maiden - Senjutsu81428
59Violet Cold - Empire of Love9051
60Insania - V (Praeparatus Supervivet)86.9102
61Exodus - Persona Non Grata87.290
62Rivers of Nihil - The Work87.291
63Beast in Black - Dark Connection83.5212
64Cryptosis - Bionic Swarm91.730
65Lovebites - Glory, Glory, To the World91.730
66Vulvodynia - Praenuntius Infiniti91.730
67Elderwind - Fires91.730
68TesseracT - Portals
69VOLA - Witness87.970
70Brand of Sacrifice - Lifeblood88.360
71Bloodred Hourglass - Your Highness88.360
72Cult of Luna - The Raging River9040
73Alice Cooper - Detroit Stories9040
74Kekht Arakh - Pale Swordsman9040
75Empyrium - Über den Sternen8950
76Rage - Resurrection Day8950
77Orbit Culture - Shaman
78Flotsam and Jetsam - Blood in the Water87.170
79Accept - Too Mean to Die86.380
80Fear Factory - Aggression Continuum86.381
81Crypta - Echoes of the Soul84.5120
82Agnes - Hegemony Shift87.560
83Thank You Scientist - Plague Accommodations87.560
84Tribulation - Where the Gloom Becomes Sound85100
85Evile - Hell Unleashed85100
86Kanonenfieber - Menschenmühle86.470
87Portal - Avow88.840
88Witherfall - Curse of Autumn9031
89Ferriterium - Calvaire9031
90Wormwood - Arkivet9030
91Unreqvited - Beautiful Ghosts9030
92Hammering - Libera Me9031
93The Night Flight Orchestra - Aeromantic II9030
941914 - Where Fear and Weapons Meet8590
95The Pretty Reckless - Death by Rock and Roll86.760
96Carcass - Torn Arteries81.9180
97Slaughter to Prevail - Kostolom83.5120
98Synsnake - Fluxus85.771
99Hulder - Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry8750
100Omnium Gatherum - Origin81.3180
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