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Name :  level 18 Krindern
Date :  2022-05-23 21:26
Hits :  5135

Is there another tournament on this site?

The tournaments on this site are a bit of fun
It may entice people or the original users of this site to come back to the site and see such a fun thing
The simplicity in it and competing with who is the best group is a very good idea
And a look at the different times between one championship and another, a big difference
Too bad there is no tournament right now
Perhaps one of the reasons why the lack of a tournament is the lack of users? I think this is somewhat true
Or maybe there is another one that is being prepared because the difference of four years is too much
The decision will be up to the owner of the site on this matter anyway

Share your opinion on this topic and is it a good idea or not?
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level 14 쇽흐     2022-05-24 13:28
If my memory serves me right, the owner of this site stated that there is no plan for another tournament for now. Just having fun with the tournament is so delightful to users, but setting up a system to hold a new league is time-consuming and tedious. Anyway, you mentioned what I have on my mind. I am looking forward to joining a brand new tournament. I believe the tournament will definitely return someday. Until the day, let us bear with it.
level 18 Krindern     2022-05-25 01:35
you are right
It is a complex system, as I said
But if only two options are created between all the teams it might help not to make it boring
Everyone will enter and vote every day until the next round comes
It will be a routine
And maybe it will be over in less than two months
It is up to the owner of the site anyway
I hope there is another tournament
level 13 Davilian     2022-05-25 02:40
It often ended with same bands competing, and people started some arguments over why their favorite band wasn't at the final back in the days. I prefer not having tournaments, but having real 'respective conversations' over one's favorite bands instead.
level 18 Krindern     2022-05-25 03:35
You are somewhat correct
Seeing Judas Priest or Megadeth in the final is just because they are the two most popular groups
A person is disgusted after being disillusioned with their favorite group
And that's why it's hard to see teams (the simplest example like) Korn reach advanced roles
A miraculous thing
level DeepCold     2022-05-25 07:40
Those were just look-alike-but-verbally-different tournaments that induce democracy to pick up same bands over and over and actually it derives the result as mentioned above so they quit. No offence though
level 18 Krindern     2022-05-25 15:56
In short, who is the most popular wins based on emotion
level 18 Krindern
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앤더스 2025-02-24 20:50
Revenge 듣고 이 성님들은 인간이길 포기하신것 같다는 생각을 했습니다. ㄷㄷ
서태지 2025-02-24 18:32
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그냥 기다리시면 재가입안하셔도 되었는데 ㅠㅠ
AlternativeMetal 2025-02-14 18:58
사이트의 인증서가 정상화 되었네요! 이제 주소창 https에 빨간 글씨가 안 뜹니다!
fosel 2025-02-14 15:58
벌써 2월 중순이라니;;;; 나이만 먹는구나 ㅠㅠ
gusco1975 2025-02-12 17:09
사이트가 이상하네요~ㅠㅠ