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176,359 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Vomit - Contaminated Flesh
0level 19 Theo
Satan Decapitated - The Return of Christ
0level 16 Coleiosis
Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Fool

97.52level 9 MetalMusic
Mechina - ProgenitorLyrics (8)
955level 10 NC Duality
Blackdeath - Totentaz

0level 15 FiiO
Striborg - Spiritual Deprivation
0level 3 grimreefer
Krallice - Hyperion
Lyrics (3)
0level 10 Illudead
The True Werwolf - Demo IX

0level 15 모흐
Slamophiliac - An Uncontaminated Origination
0level 16 Coleiosis
Insision - Terminal Reckoning
0level 21 차무결
Ahpdegma - SeolfkwyllenLyrics (7)
77.52level 15 모흐
Elegiac - Spiritual TurmoilLyrics (8)
0level 20 서태지
Ice War - Dream Spirit

0level I.S.K.H.
Escvro - Eremita

0level 20 서태지
Funesto - Meu Fúnebre Destino
0level 12 멜레릭
Hekata - Dirge

0level 20 서태지
Wanzwa - Wanzwa IV
0level 19 Theo
Construct of Lethe - CorpsegodLyrics (10)
0level 15 FiiO
Autumn of Aeons - Dimensions
0level 21 Eagles
Haze - Eta Carinae

0level 19 Theo
Neurasthene - Une âme se perd
0level 19 Theo
Krist - Tama Oko Nas
0level 19 Theo
The Horn - The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead Volume Fifteen
0level 21 Eagles
Cut - Imagine

0level 19 Theo
Depredated - Promo

0level 21 차무결
Dying Serenade - Condemn
0level 19 Theo
Possessed Entity - Extermination of Angelic Parasites
601level 21 차무결
Graveborn - Seeds of Life
0level 21 Eagles
Perventor - V - In Abhorrence of Light
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Prophecy - Twisted Reality
0level 1 Morgondagen
Behenian - Behenian

0level 19 Theo
Lamašhtu - Fallna själar
0level 14 Metal Addiction
Dezaztre Natural - Auto-exterminio
0level 18 Krindern
no image
0level 18 휘루
Satanic Warmaster / Archgoat - Lux Satane (Thirteen Hymns of Finnish Devil Worship)86.34level I.S.K.H.
Kawir - 1993 - 2015 Tape Boxset0level I.S.K.H.
Aske - Vuohi
0level 6 Blasphemy
Hypercan - Single Promo 20150level 21 차무결
Nekkrofukk - Ejakkulation Evil Storm of Perverse Goatsodomy801level 15 모흐
Sepultus Est - En el marmoreo laberinto donde sueñan los muertos0level 19 Theo
Despeñaperros - Herejía0level 19 Theo
no image
0level 19 Theo
no image0level 19 Theo
Amunisi - Promo 2016
0level 16 Coleiosis
Cerebral Edema - Corpse EatersLyrics (1)0level 21 차무결
Reputdeath - Demo II
0level 16 Coleiosis
Fallen Symmetry - Renacer en la tormenta0level 19 쓰레숄드
no image
 [Boxed set]
0level 21 melodic
Kreator - Live At Dynamo Open Air 19980level 17 댄직
no image0level 21 melodic
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,139
Reviews : 10,718
Albums : 176,784
Lyrics : 219,028