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176,422 albums
Cover art Artist / Album   Release date Rating Votes Added by
Bukavac - All That Is of the Earth
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Matron Thorn - The Ritual Narcotic
0level 21 차무결
Alfahanne - Blod Eld Alfa
0level 21 Eagles
Speedtrap - Straight Shooter
0level 21 grooove
Manipulation - Ecstasy
0level 21 차무결
Nightfell - Darkness Evermore
0level 16 Coleiosis
Unholy Archangel / Black Angel - The Fall of Christ
0level 20 서태지
Unholy Archangel / Black Angel - The Fall of Christ
0level 20 서태지
Dawn Ray'd - A Thorn, a Blight
0level Portnoy
Elferya - Eden's Fall
0level 18 퀴트린
Her Name Whispers Murder - Containment

0level 19 Theo
Stormy Atmosphere - Pent Letters
0level 15 FiiO
Chiral - Night Sky
0level 10 dash
AthimiA - Renascido Das Trevas
0level 19 Theo
Darkosis - Ritüal Garbage Maghick
0level 20 서태지
FaceFuck - Throes of LamentLyrics (10)
0level 21 차무결
Abandoned by Light - To Walk the World of Shadows, Surrounded by Dead Trees
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Hypoxia - Despondent Death
0level 21 Eagles
Avulsed - Altar of DisembowelmentLyrics (5)
701level 17 MKContributor
Epicardiectomy - Repugnant Hemicraniotomical Ingurgitation
0level 21 차무결
Clitorodectomía - Anatomical Inordinatio
651level 19 Theo
Gorthaur / Czarnobog - Summoning the Hessian Darkness
0level 20 서태지
Funeral Tears - Frozen Tranquility
0level 12 멜레릭
Her Name In Blood - Beast Mode
0level 9 MetalMusic
Grinding Terror - Doktrin Konfrontasi
0level 17 MKContributor
Kai Flood - Ilmutus Surm
0level 20 서태지
An Open Letter - An Open Letter
0level Anon-kun
Mentally Blind - The Perception
0level 15 FiiO
Infamous / Apathia - Celebrating the Fall of Humanity
0level 15 FiiO
Organ - Tetro
0level 15 FiiO
Speechless - Loneliness

0level 19 Theo
Godsfarm - Aeons

0level 19 Theo
Arrant Saudade - The Peace of Solitude
0level 19 Theo
Uroboros - Black Swallowtail
0level 19 Theo
Uroboros - ANOTHER ARK
0level 19 Theo
戮尸 - Septicemia of Corpse (死体败血)
0level 19 Theo
Briargh - Eboros
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Haiduk - Demonicon
0level 21 Eagles
Angel of Sodom - Divine Retribution
0level Rhuhongsam
Phalloplasty - Random Acts of Slam
0level 21 차무결
Lucifera - Destruyendo sin piedad
0level 17 akflxpfwjsdydrl
Disheartened - The End

801level 20 서태지
Aksumite - Self InterferenceLyrics (14)
0level 15 FiiO
Sunrunner - Heliodromus
0level 19 쓰레숄드
Traumatic Brain Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury / Grotesque Bowel Eruption
0level 19 Theo
HellLight - Journey Through Endless Storms
901level 18 퀴트린
no image
0level 18 휘루
Howls of Ebb - The Marrow VeilLyrics (3)
0level 9 Kildneybean
no image

0level 19 Theo
Arkona - Two Decades: Live in Wrocław
0level 21 Eagles
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,161
Reviews : 10,722
Albums : 176,854
Lyrics : 219,049